fish family
Also known as: clinid, scaled blenny
Learn about this topic in these articles:
annotated classification
- In perciform: Annotated classification
Family Clinidae (clinids) Eocene to present. Percoidlike fishes, some moderately elongated, rather flat-sided, usually with somewhat pointed snouts and fleshy lips; dorsal and anal fins rather high and long-based, with fin membranes conspicuously supported by thin, riblike fin rays; caudal fin fanlike, not large; pelvic fins ahead…
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- In blenny
The two largest are Clinidae, or clinids, with about 180 species, and Blenniidae, or blenniids, with about 300. Family Clinidae—a group made up of kelpfishes, fringeheads, and others—are carnivorous fishes that are usually less than 30 cm (12 inches) long. They have a long, many-spined dorsal fin and usually…
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