Cuban solenodon
Also known as: Atopogale cubana, Solenodon cubanus
Learn about this topic in these articles:
animal life of Cuba
- In Cuba: Plant and animal life
Solenodons (Atopogale cubana), which are nearly extinct ratlike insectivores, are found only in the remotest eastern regions. Other mammals include hutias (edible rodents) and manatees, or sea cows, which inhabit river mouths. Several types of bats prey on mosquitoes and insects harmful to agriculture, and in…
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- In solenodon
The Cuban solenodon (S. cubanus) is social, with several animals living together in the same burrow. They communicate with twitters, chirps, squeaks, squeals, and clicks. Adult solenodons approach each other with open mouths, perhaps emitting high-frequency clicks. Contact then often results in one animal’s closing its…
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