African coelacanth
Also known as: Latimeria chalumnae
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In crossopterygian: General features
…the Coelacanthidae and named it Latimeria chalumnae. The generic name was given in honour of Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, an associate who first brought the strange fish to his notice, whereas the species name recalls the site of its capture. Between 1952 and 2000, about 200 specimens of Latimeria were caught on…
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- In coelacanth
…1938 a living member (Latimeria chalumnae) was netted in the Indian Ocean near the southern coast of Africa. Rewards were offered for more specimens, and in 1952 a second (named Malania anjouanae but not separable from Latimeria) was obtained near the Comoros Islands. Numerous others have been caught in…
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