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- fairy shrimp
- Spinicaudata
Some species of Daphnia in temperate lakes show a remarkable seasonal change in form. In the winter the females have rounded heads, but the females of generations in late spring and summer have pointed heads. High temperature and water turbulence favour the development of a pointed head. The most plausible explanation seems to be related to predation by fish. The feeding activity of plankton-eating fish decreases in winter and increases rapidly in the spring and summer. The fish select the large Daphnia, the most conspicuous parts of which are the eye and the carapace with its enclosed limbs and eggs. When the head becomes pointed and enlarged, the size of the carapace is reduced, and the eye is often smaller. Thus, there is an overall decrease in conspicuousness that occurs in the summer forms.
The trunk limbs of all branchiopods are used to gather food. Filters formed by setae, or fine hairs, separate the food particles from the water, and an elaborate mechanism shifts food from the filters to the mouth. The filters enable branchiopods to collect material as small as bacteria for food. The ability to utilize bacteria is important in cleansing water in reservoirs, where Daphnia is often abundant.
The notostracans Triops and Lepidurus can collect small particles, but they can also act as predators. Lepidurus arcticus has been observed feeding on another Arctic branchiopod, the anostracan Branchinecta paludosa, which often lives in the same tundra pools. Sometimes a species changes its feeding habits with age. The large fairy shrimp Branchinecta ferox feeds on small particles when young but becomes a predator when mature.
Notostracans and anostracans swim with their trunk limbs, which beat in a rhythm so that jets of water are forced out sideways and backward from the spaces between the limbs to drive the animal ahead. Some anostracans, such as Chirocephalus, have a complex system of flaps and muscles in the trunk limbs, and they modify the limb movement in order to hover in one position for long periods. The other six orders swim by means of their antennae, which have two branches bearing featherlike setae that increase the effective area of the antenna. The suborders Spinicaudata and Laevicaudata are slow, clumsy swimmers, and they are highly vulnerable to predation by fish; thus, they are most commonly found in temporary pools, where fish are absent. The anomopods, although smaller, are much livelier swimmers.
Responses to light
The most notable behavioral responses of branchiopods are in relation to light. The Anostraca are remarkable in showing a ventral light response: when light is directed from above, they turn their ventral surface toward the light. If they are artificially lit from below and not from above, they turn over. In the anomopods the response to light is complex and varies with the colour of the light. In red light, Daphnia maintains its position in the water by a hop-and-drop type of swimming. In blue light, it swims more rapidly in a horizontal direction. These two methods of swimming are related to the presence of food. When foods such as small green algae are present in the water, they absorb most of the blue light, and the light that penetrates is mainly red. Stationary swimming in response to this red light is advantageous to Daphnia, and it maintains its position. In the absence of food such as green algae, more blue light is present in the water. Daphnia is stimulated in response to this blue light to swim horizontally and to search a wider area. If Daphnia is starved and kept in red light, however, it eventually swims horizontally; i.e., starvation blocks out the normal response to red light.
Form and function
External features
The fundamental structure of the Branchiopoda is related to their methods of feeding. In most species this involves a series of limbs acting together to filter, scrape, or otherwise gather food particles into a ventral food groove and transport them to the mouth. In the elongated forms, such as the anostracans, the segmentation of the trunk is simple and obvious, but in the short-bodied forms, such as the anomopods and onychopods, the trunk is much compressed and the segmentation is obscured. The exoskeleton of the branchiopods is generally thin and flexible, although in the notostracans it can be quite rigid in some parts. The crushing or biting parts of the mandibles are usually the thickest and strongest. The trunk limbs often have a complex intrinsic musculature, which enables the various parts of the limb to be moved relative to each other. Extrinsic muscles, having their origins within the trunk, operate at the bases of the limbs and are responsible for movements of the whole limb. The primitive branchiopod limb can be thought of as a multipurpose flap serving for locomotion, feeding, and respiration.
Internal features
The circulatory system
The branchiopod heart is often visible in the intact animal. In Daphnia the heart is short and almost spherical, with two inlet holes, or ostia, and a single anterior opening. In the more elongated forms, such as the anostracans, the heart is longer, with a pair of ostia in each trunk segment except the first and last. In the notostracans the heart has 11 pairs of ostia, while the spinicaudates have four pairs and the laevicaudates three pairs. In all branchiopods the heart discharges blood into an open body cavity, or hemocoel, without any definite vessels. In spite of this open system the blood follows a fairly definite course around the body, a good proportion passing through the trunk limbs before returning to the heart.
The blood of branchiopods is unusual among crustaceans in containing the red respiratory pigment hemoglobin dissolved in the plasma. The concentration of hemoglobin in branchiopod blood varies inversely with the oxygen content of the surrounding water: when little oxygen is in the water, the blood contains a large quantity of hemoglobin and is bright red.