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cardinal fish
Banggai cardinal fish (Pterapogon kauderni).
cardinal fish
Also known as: Apogonidae
- Related Topics:
- Astrapogon stellatus
- Percoidea
cardinal fish, any fish of the family Apogonidae (order Perciformes), a group including about 200 species of small, typically nocturnal fishes found in tropical and subtropical waters. The majority of cardinal fishes are marine and live among reefs in shallow water. Some, such as Astrapogon (or Apogonichthys) stellatus of the Caribbean, take shelter in the shells of living conchs. Cardinal fishes range from 5 to 20 cm (2 to 8 inches) in length and are characterized by two dorsal fins, a large mouth, large eyes, and large scales. Many are red or reddish; others may be silvery, brownish, or black.