- Related Topics:
- sardine
- herring
- shad
- Clupeoidei
- Denticipitoidei
Distinguishing characteristics
The main differences evident among the various clupeiform groups lie in the positions and sizes of the various fins. If a herring (Clupetta), a pilchard (Sardinops), and a sprat (Sprattus) are held by the leading edge of their dorsal fins, the herring’s body orientation is approximately horizontal, because the fin is located at the centre of the back. In contrast, the pilchard hangs with its tail lower, because the fin is located nearer to the head. Since the sprat’s fin is closer to the tail, the sprat will hang with its head lower. The differences of fin position are not pronounced in the larvae, which have a characteristically elongated form with the dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins located far back. The forward part of the body forms an extremely elongated wormlike feature, and, most characteristic, the dorsal fin is never above the pelvic fins, as it is in adults, but is well back, usually somewhere between the pelvic and anal fins; in larval anchovies, it is even above the anal fin.
During the larval transformation the elongated anterior part of the body becomes progressively shorter, as the fins shift forward by a complicated morphological process. The dorsal fin is shifted forward above the lateral body muscles (myomeres); the pelvic fins move backward to their adult position; and the anal fin moves forward simultaneously. In adults of the families Denticipitidae and Chirocentridae the dorsal fin stays above the anal fin, far back on the body; in the Engraulidae it usually stops a little farther back than the pelvic fins; and in the Clupeidae it generally reaches a position directly above the pelvic fins. As a rule, however, even within families and genera the relative positions of the dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins are somewhat variable and are often used in classification. The position of the dorsal fin becomes stable at the time the larvae transform into juveniles. The positions of the anal and pelvic fins, however, often change later in life, probably because of the swelling of the body cavity with gonad development.
With only a few exceptions, fishes with more forwardly positioned dorsal fins have fewer rays in their anal fin but more rays in the dorsal. The lateral line canals on the head are most developed in fishes with the dorsal fin located anteriorly. The lateral line system serves as an orientation device. As it is sensitive to disturbances in the surrounding water, it is most important in fishes that school densely. Not surprisingly, the species with the most progressively developed morphological features (that is, the greatest changes from the “primitive” condition of the larval stage) are the best swimmers and undertake the longest migrations. Such features include the anteriorly located dorsal fin, a smaller number of rays in the anal fin, and a strong lateral line system on the head.
The development of denticles (toothlike skin projections) and teeth represents another specialization of evolutionary importance. The most primitive clupeiform fishes have an enormous number of dermal denticles (on the head and in the mouth), which have been replaced in evolutionarily more-advanced forms by teeth, which are larger and fewer in number. In Denticeps, for example, the whole head and part of the body are covered by numerous small dermal denticles. Different species of the Clupeidae have small denticles or teeth limited to the bones of the mouth cavity, and anchovies have rows of tiny teeth in the jaws. Finally, Chirocentrus has straight sharp teeth on the upper jaw, the tongue, and in a few other places in the mouth and has large “canine” teeth on the lower jaw.
The ventral part of the body in the majority of clupeiform fishes forms a keel, the function of which is widely considered to be an adaptation for removing the sharp shadow that would be created below the central part of the body by top lighting, were the fish cylindrical. Prevention of such a shadow is important to an open-water fish often living close to the surface and unprotected from all sides. Seen from below, the keel and the glossy silver sides of the body cause the fish to disappear in the mirrorlike reflection of the water surface. Viewed from above, the fish is protected by the dark cryptic colouring of the dorsal part, which simulates the colour of the deep water. The predator who encounters and sees the whole school is also deceived by the resemblance of the tight school to a larger organism. Against nets and electronic devices, however, such coloration and schooling behaviour afford little protection.
The movement of anadromous clupeiforms from highly saline ocean into freshwater rivers and lakes requires special physiological adaptations to regulate the blood’s osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure can be described as the pressure of a water solution of salts exerted in either direction against a semipermeable membrane. This pressure is caused by differences between the concentrations of dissolved salts within the body and those outside, in the sea. When a fish enters water of salinity lower than seawater, slight increases in osmotic pressure cause the kidneys to excrete larger amounts of water. The conversion from saltwater to freshwater physiology requires some time, however, so the fish usually remains in brackish waters to avoid a sudden physiological shock. During the periods when anadromous fishes are migrating into or out of fresh water, they form large aggregations in estuaries, awaiting the changeover in their osmotic regulating systems.