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green frog
amphibian, Rana species
Also known as: Rana clamitans
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- bronze frog
- Rana
green frog, (subspecies Rana clamitans melanota), common aquatic frog (family Ranidae) found in ponds, streams, and other bodies of fresh water in the northeastern United States. The green frog is 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) long and green to brownish in colour. The back and legs are characteristically spotted or blotched.
Another race of this species, the bronze frog (R. c. clamitans), is found in such places as swamps and streamsides of the southeastern United States. It is brown above and grows to about 8.5 cm (3.3 inches). Its call, like that of the green frog, is a sharp, twanging note. The European marsh, pool, and edible frogs are also known as green frogs.