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Grunion (Leuresthes tenuis).
Also known as: California grunion, Leuresthes tenuis
- Also called:
- California grunion
grunion, (species Leuresthes tenuis), small Pacific fish of the family Atherinidae (order Atheriniformes). The species is found in the Pacific Ocean along the western coast of the United States. A unique feature of the grunion’s breeding biology results in its spawning on particular nights during the warm months, just after the highest tide. The eggs are actually laid in the sand on the beach during a full or new moon when the tide cycle is at its peak (spring tide). The young hatch out and enter the ocean following inundation during the subsequent spring tide, which occurs two weeks later. Grunion are small fish, attaining a length of about 20 cm (8 inches), and are highly edible.