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- Autarchoglossa
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Many birds, mammals, invertebrates, and other reptiles prey on lizards. In response, lizards have a variety of defensive strategies to draw upon. For example, chuckwallas (Sauromalus) typically remain close to rock piles. When danger threatens, they move into small crevices and puff up their bodies to make their extrication difficult. A number of spiny-tailed lizards also move into crevices and leave only a sharp, formidable tail exposed. The African armadillo lizard (Cordylus cataphractus) holds its tail in its mouth with its forefeet and presents a totally spiny form to an attacker. Predators, such as snakes, that attempt to swallow an armadillo lizard will often fail because the lizard offers no start point from which swallowing can begin. The frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii) of Australia extends a throat frill that frames its neck and head to intimidate intruders on its territory. This frill is almost as wide as the lizard is long. In addition, the tails of many lizards break off (autotomize) easily. This broken-off section wriggles rapidly and often distracts the predator as the tailless lizard scurries for cover. Autotomized tails are often regenerated quickly.
Courtship and territoriality
Social interactions among lizards are best understood for the species that respond to visual stimuli. Many lizards defend certain areas against intruders of the same or closely related species. Territorial defense does not always involve actual combat. Presumably to avoid physical harm, elaborate, ritualized displays have evolved in many species. These presentations often involve the erection of crests along the back and neck and the sudden increase in the apparent size of an individual through puffing and posturing. Many species display bright colours by extending a throat fan or exposing a coloured patch of skin and engage in stereotyped movements such as push-ups, head bobbing, and tail waving.
Large, colourful horns and other forms of conspicuous head and body ornamentation are often restricted to males, but females of many species defend their territories by employing stereotyped movements similar to those of males. A displaying male that stands out against his surroundings is vulnerable to predation. However, territoriality is evidently advantageous and has evolved through natural selection. Territories are usually associated with limited resources (such as nest sites, food, and refuges from predators), and a male that possesses a territory will likely attract females. Thus, he will have a higher probability of reproductive success than one living in a marginal area. The displays used by males in establishing territories may also function to “advertise” their presence to females; in species that breed seasonally, territoriality typically diminishes during the nonbreeding season. In iguanids, actual courtship displays differ from territorial displays in that males approach females with pulsating, jerky movements.
In addition to the visual cues used for bringing the sexes together, chemical stimuli play a role in some species of iguanian lizards. For example, desert iguanas (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) can discriminate between their own odours and those of other desert iguanas. In addition, numerous lizard species have femoral pores, which are small blind tubes along the inner surface of the thighs, whose function may be the secretion of chemical attractants and territorial markers.
The social systems of autarchoglossan lizards are fundamentally different. Rather than visual displays, chemical communication between individuals is used. Autarchoglossan males that rely heavily on vomerolfaction can distinguish species, sex, and sexual receptivity using chemical cues alone. Some lizards (such as those of families Teiidae, Varanidae, and Helodermatidae) have deeply forked tongues and may be able to use them to determine the direction of chemical signals in a manner similar to snakes. Geckos use auditory cues in social interactions, but they also have the ability to discriminate between chemical signals using olfaction.
Copulation follows a common pattern. The male grasps the female by the skin, often on the neck or side of the head, and places his forelegs and hind legs over her body. He then pushes his tail beneath hers and twists his body to bring the cloacae together. One hemipenis is then everted and inserted into the cloaca of the female. Depending upon the species, copulation may last from a few seconds to 15 minutes or more.