- Related Topics:
- pelican
- frigate bird
- Pelecani
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- Fregatae
Survival and mortality
Full-grown pelecaniform birds have few natural enemies, and, although some are taken by marine predators, they are generally long-lived. Nestlings, recently fledged young, and sometimes even adult birds suffer heavy mortality when food shortages occur. In many tropical areas where food is generally scarce, irregular fluctuations in the supply lead to drastic variations in breeding success. Mortality from starvation also occurs among birds of richer seas, most dramatically along the west coast of South America in years when oceanographic changes cut off the normally abundant food supply of the huge bird populations. Even under average conditions, young pelecaniforms in their first year after fledging experience much higher mortality than adults. In the European shag (P. aristotelis), more than half the young die during this period, although among adults annual mortality is only about 15 percent in males and 20 percent in females. In the British population of the gannet, about 80 percent of the fledglings die before reaching breeding age (about five years), most during their first year. Adults die at an average rate of less than 6 percent per year and have a mean expectation of life exceeding 16 years. Age records for individual banded birds include a great frigate bird that was recently found breeding at an age of more than 30 years and a masked booby breeding at about 23 years. Negative evidence suggests, however, that few individuals of these species survive much longer than the two examples.
Population movements
Members of the pelecaniform populations breeding at high latitudes generally move to lower latitudes in winter but do not perform transequatorial migrations. Adequate analyses of banding results have been carried out on only a few species. Great cormorants (P. carbo) from Britain do not show a well-defined migration but disperse random distances from the colonies. In all populations of gannets, juveniles move further than adults. A number of juvenile gannets from New Zealand have been found in eastern Australia only a week after leaving their natal colonies on their first flight, having made journeys exceeding 2,600 km (1,600 miles) at average speeds of more than 370 km (230 miles) per day. Gannets that survive to breeding age usually return to the same cluster of nests where they were hatched. In a similar way, juvenile lesser frigate birds (F. ariel) from colonies in the central equatorial Pacific disperse on a broad front, many moving over 6,500 km (4,000 miles) from their natal island. Their pattern of dispersal may be related to that of the prevailing winds in the area.
Feeding ecology
The various groups of pelecaniform birds are specialized for different ways of life and in particular for different feeding methods. Tropic birds and boobies, though they differ in many ways, are both adapted for catching prey underwater by plunging from the air. They are powerful flyers and buoyant swimmers, but, although their feet have large webs, their legs are not streamlined, and they are not specialized for fast swimming. The feet are probably used underwater more for steering than for propulsion, and the birds depend mainly on the impetus of the dive to enable them to approach their prey at high speed.
Tropic birds are adept at hovering while locating prey, and probably obtain most of their food near the surface. Many boobies often dive from greater heights and probably go deeper than tropic birds; the gannet sometimes dives from more than 30 metres (about 100 feet). Blue-footed boobies, when hunting in groups, tend to dive almost simultaneously. A disyllabic whistle is often heard from such groups as they start to dive and may be a signal given by the initiator. It has been suggested that the simultaneous plunging of several birds may confuse the fish in a school and so increase each bird’s chance of catching one. Red-footed boobies, and perhaps also other boobies, catch flying fish (family Exocoetidae) in the air as well as in the water. These fish, with squid of the family Ommastrephidae, are staple foods of the tropical boobies and the tropic birds. Boobies of upwelling zones and the gannet feed almost entirely on fish.
Frigate birds are among the most aerial of all sea birds. Their best-known feeding habit involves piracy, in which they harry other sea birds until they disgorge their prey, after which the frigate birds catch the food in the air or pick it from the surface. They also catch prey for themselves, however, pursuing flying fish when they leap through the air and snatching fish (and probably squid) from the surface without alighting.

Pelicans generally catch their prey while swimming, thrusting their long bills and long necks below the surface to scoop up fish in their distensible throat pouches. When fishing in shallow water, pelicans often cooperate to form a kind of living net. They form a crescent facing the shore, or even a circle, and then close in, splashing and paddling hard. Each bird keeps station until the fish panic and can be captured as they try to escape between the birds. Pelicans have also been observed herding and capturing ducklings in a similar way. The brown pelican, unlike the other species, often forages some distance offshore and habitually fishes by plunging from the air.
Cormorants and anhingas are adapted for underwater swimming. The cormorants pursue free-swimming or bottom-living fish, and some species also eat mollusks and other invertebrate animals. When feeding on schooling fish, cormorants often engage in mass fishing activities in which a flock advances in a long line stretching at right angles to the direction of movement, apparently with the fish fleeing ahead of them. The birds swim forward while above the surface and also while pursuing prey underwater, and laggards fly forward and land just ahead of the line. Anhingas do not pursue their prey but lie in wait underwater and then stab passing fish. Most of the fish that they eat are slow swimming and laterally flattened.
The physiological adaptations for diving have been little studied in cormorants and anhingas. It is known, however, that for cormorants feeding on the bottom the mean length of the dives is directly related to water depth. Dives of most species usually last less than half a minute, although dives as long as one minute are not uncommon. The time spent resting after a dive averages between one-half and one-third of the duration of the dive; if dives are very long, the length of the rest periods approaches that of the dives. Anhingas often stay underwater for as long as two minutes, and a dive of nearly seven minutes has been recorded in a captive bird.