- Also called:
- serpent
- Related Topics:
- rattlesnake
- boa
- blind snake
- worm snake
- venomous snake
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The most characteristic aspect of the snake form is the elongate body and tail and the absence of limbs. There is no snake in which the limb remnants still retain a function in locomotion, but complete or reduced elements of the pelvis and femur remain in many snake families, including the boa and python families. The body is usually slender, although there are some comparatively short and thick-bodied species. The body shape is correlated with activity level, with the slender species moving about all the time and the heavy forms leading a sedentary life. The pit vipers, for example, while not always long, are often big. It seems likely that these snakes evolved in the direction of heaviness only after the development of a heat-sensitive depression, the loreal pit, located between the eye and the nostril, and the venom apparatus, which enabled them to stay in one place and wait for their prey, rather than engaging in a continuous active search for food. Similarly, some of the largest nonvenomous snakes (boas, anacondas, and pythons) have labial pits that function in the same way as the loreal pit of the vipers, so they too can be sedentary and grow fat. Arboreal snakes are the most elongated and slender of all, with the tail (the region posterior to the anus) approaching half the length of the entire body. The body is often strongly compressed laterally, which permits greater rigidity of the body frame while crawling from branch to branch. Burrowing (fossorial) snakes are seldom large, and the true burrowers, the Typhlopidae and Leptotyphlopidae, living all their lives like earthworms, are the tiniest snakes of all. The burrowers have almost no tail, although some of them retain a spiny tail tip, which probably serves the animal as an anchoring point when crawling through the soil. The tail of sea snakes is flattened to form an oar, used to scull through the water. Sea snakes are almost totally helpless on land, locomoting only with the utmost difficulty.
The vertebral column of snakes is highly elongated and has more vertebrae than any other living animal—up to 600 in the Australian python (Morelia oenpelliensis). Since there are no limb girdles associated with the skeleton, there are no good delimiters of regions, but snakes are generally regarded as having only two kinds of vertebrae: body (precaudal) and tail (caudal). There are 100–450 vertebrae in the body and 10–205 vertebrae in the tail. A pair of ribs is associated with each body vertebra except for a few immediately behind the head. By definition, there are no ribs on the tail vertebrae. Each vertebra articulates with its neighbour at five different points: first, at the contact point between the main, central bodies of the bones (centra), which is a ball-and-socket joint; then at two projections (prezygapophyses and postzygapophyses) from the centra, with articulating surfaces that lie above and below; and finally the zygosphenes and zygantra, found almost exclusively in snakes, the zygosphene being a projecting shelf on the upper part of the vertebra and the zygantrum being a pocket into which the zygosphene fits and within which it can swivel. These five points permit lateral and vertical rotation while preventing almost entirely any twisting of the vertebral column, thus achieving both flexibility and rigidity. The vertebra may bear on its ventral surface a long posteriorly directed projection called a hypapophysis. The presence or absence of this structure on the vertebrae of the posterior third of the body has been of considerable importance in snake classification because large groups of species show this as a common characteristic. In the egg-eating snakes (subfamily Dasypeltinae), the hypapophyses of a series of vertebrae a short distance behind the head have developed anteriorly directed tips that have a distinct coating of an enamel-like substance. These serve as eggshell breakers, projecting through a gap in the dorsal intestinal wall, where they can rip into a swallowed egg when the snake constricts the muscles of the body. The crushed shell is regurgitated, and the contents of the egg pass on to the stomach. The vertebrae of the tail tip in the rattlesnake are highly modified to form a “shaker” for the hollow rattle segments.
The skin
Snakes are covered with scales, which are cornified folds in the epidermal layers of the skin. These scales are usually arranged in rows along the body, the numbers and arrangement of which are characteristic of the species. The scales may be large and shield-shaped, in which case the number of rows is low (from 10 to 30), or they may be very small, rounded, and occasionally with the centre raised, in which case the number of rows can be as high as 180. A single scale may be very smooth and shiny (as in the rainbow snakes), have a raised ridge (keel) along its centre, be heavily striated, or even have a raised spine in the centre, as in the Javanese wart snake. The scales in some species have sensory structures on the posterior margins called apical pits, and all scales have various micro-ornamentations, consisting of hairlike projections, holes, spinules (small spines), and other specializations visible only through an electron microscope. The scales on the ventral surface of the body are modified into broad plates in the majority of species and are used in locomotion. The ventral scales of sea snakes (Hydrophiinae), worm snakes, and blind snakes are small, as on the dorsal surface, and there are several other species, including boas and pythons, that have partly enlarged ventral scales.
The colours and colour patterns seen in snakes are often bright and occasionally spectacular. Snake colours are produced in two ways, either by pigment deposited in the skin or by differential diffraction of light as a consequence of the physical properties of the skin itself. When seen on a unicolour or uniform background, most snakes are obvious, and their colour patterns seem bold and prominent. When the animals are placed in their natural habitat, however, the significance of the colour patterns becomes obvious. The many lines running at sharp angles to the elongated lines of the body, the triangles or rectangles of colour, the blotches, spots, bands, or lozenges—all become highly disruptive to the eye, and the snake disappears into its surroundings. Blotched or spotted snakes tend to be sedentary and heavy-bodied, while striped and the occasional unicolour snakes are usually active species. In both cases, the coloration is protective, since a coiled sedentary snake has its body outline completely obscured by the overlapping patterns, while the stripes on a crawling snake eliminate the sensation of motion until they suddenly narrow at the tip of the tail and the snake disappears.
Although in most snakes the colours are such that they help the animal to hide, there are some species that seem to be advertising their presence rather than trying to hide it. Their patterns are aposematic, or warning, in nature, and they let a possible enemy or predator know that it runs some risk in an encounter with the snake. The warning is effective, of course, only if the intruder is knowledgeable concerning its significance and can take heed. This implies a teaching and learning sequence, with the dangerous snake as “teacher” and the predator as “student.” For this reason, it has been suggested that the bright colours of the highly (and often fatally) venomous coral snakes did not evolve as warnings of the snakes’ own toxins but as mimics of some other venomous species, less dangerous but still able to teach the predator the significance of the warning coloration. There is no evidence that avoidance of aposematic species is instinctive; on the contrary, naive predators readily attempt to take aposematic forms. A predator that dies in its first encounter with a dangerous species cannot act as a selective force favouring the coloration of that species. There are quite a few mildly venomous rear-fanged snakes, brightly banded in red, black, and yellow (colours found in the coral snakes), that can make a predator suffer a sufficiently painful lesson that it will avoid contact with all similarly coloured snakes, including the fatally venomous coral snakes and the completely harmless milk snakes (Lampropeltis) and scarlet snake. (For a complete discussion of the evolution of mimicry, see mimicry: The evolution of mimicry.)