The most distinctive tribal dance customs originated in response to animistic religious beliefs—i.e., that all objects and living things have living souls. The customs changed with prehistoric and historic migrations, with intertribal contact, and, since European contact, with upheavals in the way of life and thought. Although many dances became extinct, some survived European influences; others are amazing hybrids or new creations of the period after European colonization.
To give an accurate understanding of the role of dance in traditional Indian society, it is necessary to examine both dances that became extinct as European influences weakened tribal customs and dances that have survived, with or without European modification.
Eskimo (Inuit)
In some places the traditional shamanistic exhibitions and masked animal rites persist alongside Western-style square dances. The most prominent ritual figure in the former was the angakok, the shaman who communed with spirits by the rhythm of a single-headed drum and by ecstatic dancing, usually inside an igloo.
Formerly, Eskimos held elaborate outdoor ceremonies for whale catches and similar events. In Alaska, preliminaries included the rhythmic mime of a successful whale catch, with a woman in the role of the whale. A sprinkling of ashes on the ice drove away evil spirits, and there were incantations and songs when leaving shore, when sighting the whale, and before throwing the spear, all of them songs that the “great kashak (priest)” sang when he created the whale. As the whale was towed in, Fox Islands men and boys danced, naked except for wooden masks that reached to their shoulders. At Cape Prince of Wales on the Bering Strait, the whaler’s wife came to meet the boat in ceremonial dress, dancing and singing, and boys and girls performed gesture dances on the beach. Then, inside a circle of large whale ribs, the whaler’s wife and children performed a dance of rejoicing. In what is now Nunavut on the west coast of Hudson Bay in Canada, communal feasting, dancing, singing, games, and shamanistic performances took place within a circle of bones or one of stones. The men’s motions consisted of vigorous and angular arm jerking and jumping, the women’s of curving gestures and swaying with the torso and arms, in a seated or standing posture.
Northeast and Southeast Indians
In the area from the Atlantic coast to about the Mississippi River and across the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River, dream, medicine, plant, war, calumet (ceremonial peace pipe), and animal dances predominate. Among the Northeast Indians, mortuary and hunting rites are dominant; among Southeast Indians, corn, bean, and squash rites are most frequent. The recurrent dance pattern is a counterclockwise circling by large groups, with a running step or stomp to antiphonal singing (alternation of two groups or of a leader and a group). Medicine rites are often exclusively for female or male members of a society, but dances for hunting or agriculture admit men, women, and children. During the winter and in war or hunting ceremonies, men are the organizers and leaders; during the summer and in agricultural ceremonies, women are featured performers.
The Iroquois continue to maintain their ancient ceremonies and a large repertory of dances and songs, including rites for crises of life and for animals and plants. They also have acquired steps and dances from other tribes, especially those of formations in two straight lines. The Iroquois bear dance combines former hunting associations both with a clan-origin legend and with a curative society. When the bear spirit is displeased, he causes neurotic spasms in a person and must be appeased in a ritual at midwinter or in private summer ceremonies. The focal personnel consist of the patient and paired conductors, dance leaders, and singers from opposite moieties. Ceremonial songs and ritual offerings are followed by group dancing in which visitors and society members participate.
Although the Cherokee of the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina and Tennessee speak an Iroquoian language and have animal dances, they emphasize corn dance ceremonies. The Creek, Yuchi, Seminole, and other tribes of the southeastern United States greatly emphasize the summer green corn harvest ceremony, or Busk. Before the removal of many of those tribes to reservations in Oklahoma, they acquired a few dances outside their own traditions. They carried the stomp circling to its utmost development by winding the line of dancers into a spiral or even into four spirals at the four corners of the dance ground.
Among tribes of the large Algonquian family, the stomp dances performed until a few decades ago by the Penobscot of Maine and the Narraganset of Rhode Island have experienced a strong revival. Algonquian tribes around the Great Lakes share many of the medicine and animal dance ceremonies known to the Iroquois, and the more southerly groups hold corn dances. The Ojibwa (Chippewa) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the Menominee and Ho-Chunk of Wisconsin have maintained a hunting dance and a special wild-rice ceremonial danced in September when this crop is harvested. These groups show the influence of the adjoining Great Plains tribes in some of the circle dances, men’s war dances, and buffalo dances.