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Renaissance architecture: Media
Who shaped Renaissance architecture?
An overview of Renaissance architecture.
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Ospedale degli Innocenti
Arcade, Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi, 1419–26.
Alinari/Art Resource, New York
Château at Chambord, France, design attributed to Bernabei Domenico da Cortona, executed...
Archives Photographiques, Paris
Gallery of Francis I
Elaborately carved and painted gallery characteristic of French Renaissance design:...
Giraudon/Art Resource, New York
Longleat, Wiltshire, England, designed by Sir John Thynne and Robert Smythson, 1568–c....
A.F. Kersting
Square Court of the Louvre, Paris
Square Court of the Louvre, Paris, designed by Pierre Lescot, 1546–51.
Giraudon/Art Resource, New York
Figure 66: Renaissance furniture from the Sala dei Pappagalli in the Palazzo Dvanzati,...
SCALA/Art Resource, New York
Stadhuis, Antwerp
Stadhuis (Town Hall), Antwerp, designed by Loys du Foys and Nicolo Scarini and executed...
Fotowerken Frans Claes, Antwerp, © Sabam-Brussels
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