Ancient Western
The origins of the art of enamelling are uncertain. While there is archaeological evidence that glass was being made from the 3rd millennium bce in western Asia and from the 15th century bce glass vessels were undoubtedly being made in Egypt, there is no proof that enamelling on metal was practiced in either Asia Minor or Egypt until after the time of Alexander the Great (died 323 bce).
Perhaps the origins of the art are to be found on Mycenaean metalwork of the 13th to 11th centuries bce. Six gold rings, excavated from a Mycenaean tomb of the 13th century bce at Kouklia (near Old Paphos), in Cyprus, are decorated with a cloisonné technique that suggests an intermediary stage between inlay and true enamelling. Scientific examination has shown that the different coloured enamels were not in the form of powder when they were inserted into the cloisons before being fired and fused together; rather they were in the form of fragments of coloured glass. Unfortunately, no report exists of any scientific examination of a more accomplished example of Mycenaean enamelling—the decoration on the gold sceptre found in a royal tomb at Kourion Kaloriziki, in Cyprus—but it is generally believed that this is true enamelling and datable to the 11th century bce.
If true enamelling existed in Mycenaean work, it would be reasonable to expect the technique to have been inherited by the Greeks and transmitted by them to the rest of Europe, perhaps by way of the colonies on the north shore of the Black Sea and in the south of Italy. Unfortunately, however, there is a long gap between the Mycenaean enamels and the Greek gold jewelry of the 6th–3rd centuries bce, which is sparingly enamelled, often having no more than touches of blue and white enamel enclosed by thin gold wire openwork (filigree).
Until recently the most ancient examples of enamelling outside Mycenaean art were said to be on ornaments discovered in a cemetery in the Kuban, close to the Caucasus, variously dated between the 9th and 7th centuries bce; but the most important of these Kuban enamels, the famous Maikop belt buckle (the Hermitage, Leningrad) depicting a griffin attacking a horse, is now regarded by Russian experts as a forgery. Consequently, the earliest enamelling from south Russia may date from the 3rd or 2nd century bce.
A slightly earlier date is given to a number of excavated bronze objects of western European origin, which are said to bear the remains of cloisonné enamel decoration. Until this early Celtic material has been scientifically examined and proved to be true enamel as distinct from inlaid coral, cut stone (chiefly lapis), or coloured glass applied cold, theories about it remain open to question. At the present time it is a matter of conjecture what link, if any, may have existed between the enamellers in south Russia and those Celtic craftsmen who by the 3rd century bce, if not earlier, were using red enamel in place of coral inlay.
During the Roman period, enamelling—both cloisonné and champlevé on bronze—was carried on almost entirely in those old Celtic areas that had become the northern provinces of the Roman Empire. It may well be to these provincial works that a passage from the works of Philostratus, 2nd century ce, refers. The author, describing a boar hunt at which the riders appear with horse trappings ornamented in bright colours, writes:
It is said that the barbarians in the ocean [i.e., the Celtic tribes] pour these colours into bronze moulds, that the colours become as hard as stone, preserving the designs.
This is a fair description of the process of champlevé enamel and suggests that the technique, in use in the British Isles, was not practiced at the time in Greece or Italy. Enamelled horse trappings such as Philostratus describes have been found in many places in the British Isles. This type of Celtic enamelling of the Roman period lived on in northwest Europe, particularly in Ireland, until as late as the 12th century. Some of its more striking effects seem to be derived from Roman glassmaking practices, particularly its use of millefiori glass, a mosaic of very thin glass rods of different colours and shapes fused together and then cut into thin sections, which the Celtic craftsmen fused into a ground of coloured enamel.
The most dramatic development in the history of enamelling took place in the Byzantine Empire between the 6th and 12th centuries, a period during which only the cloisonné technique—almost exclusively executed on gold—was in use. At their zenith in the 10th–11th centuries, Byzantine enamellers created delicate, highly expressive miniature scenes in a great range of colours that shine like jewels. The masterpiece of this period is the altar screen “Pala d’Oro” in St. Mark’s, Venice, believed to have been brought from Constantinople to Venice about 1105. The quality of Byzantine enamelling began to decline in the late 12th century.
There is no direct evidence that enamelling on metal was practiced at any Islamic centre in western Asia. Scholars who argue that the technique of Byzantine gold-cloisonné enamelling originated in Syria before the 7th century ce can point to just one object on inconclusive stylistic considerations, associated with Umayyad Syria. Only one other enamelled object has survived with strong Islamic connections: a dish with an Arabic inscription referring to an Artuqid Prince, who reigned 1114–44. The enamel technique is cloisonné, but with bronze wires soldered onto a copper base. As no other examples have been found and as the inscription in Arabic indicates an imperfect knowledge of the language, it may be the work of a Byzantine craftsman working in the Artuqid kingdom.