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jingling Johnny
musical instrument
Also known as: Turkish crescent, chapeau chinois, pavillon chinois
- Also called:
- Turkish Crescent
- French:
- Chapeau Chinois, or Pavillon Chinois
- Related Topics:
- Janissary music
- rattle
jingling Johnny, musical instrument consisting of a pole ornamented with a canopy (pavillon), a crescent, and other shapes hung with bells and metal jingling objects, and often surmounted by horsetails. It possibly originated as the staff of a Central Asian shaman, and it was part of the Turkish military Janissary band that stimulated the late 18th-century European vogue for Turkish music. The jingling Johnny was used in European military bands in the 19th century and survives, somewhat altered, in Germany. Similar instruments occur in ancient Chinese music, probably diffused from the same Central Asian sources.