primitive art
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- history of art criticism
- influence on modern painting
- In Western painting: The 20th century
The art of supposedly primitive peoples had a special appeal in the early years of the 20th century. Gauguin, who had made direct contact with it in his last years, proved prophetic not only in the forms he adopted but in the spirit of his approach. Maurice de Vlaminck…
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- interior design
- In interior design: Primitive peoples
Although the practices of present-day primitive peoples sometimes shed light on the historical origins of those practices, there is too little art and decoration in such communities today to illuminate the beginnings of interior decoration. No clear-cut progressions of styles, like those that…
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use of
- comedy
- In comedy: Comedy as a rite
…George Frazer combined studies of primitive religion and culture in The Golden Bough (1890–1915). In such works, comedy and tragedy alike are traced to a prehistoric death-and-resurrection ceremonial, a seasonal pantomime in which the old year, in the guise of an aged king (or hero or god), is killed, and…
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- In comedy: Comedy as a rite
- wind instruments
- In wind instrument: In folk cultures of the world
In folk cultures—here implying rural traditional communities—music often serves purposes other than entertainment or aesthetic enjoyment. Certain wind instruments are closely associated with the supernatural, and their sounds connote powerful magic. Australian Aboriginal people, for instance, identify the sound of…
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