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fritware; thuluth script
Ottoman tile panel, fritware with a painted underglaze, from İznik, Tur., last quarter of the 16th century; in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The inscription, written in a calligraphic style known as thuluth script, says “This world is the seedbed of the next.”
thuluth script
- Key People:
- Ibn Muqlah
thuluth script, in calligraphy, medieval Islamic style of handwritten alphabet. Thuluth (Arabic: “one-third”) is written on the principle that one-third of each letter slopes. It is a large and elegant, cursive script, used in medieval times on mosque decorations. It took on some of the functions of the early Kūfic script; it was used to write sura (Qurʾānic chapter) headings, religious inscriptions, and princely titles and epigraphs. It was also used for many of the large copies of the Qurʾān produced from the 13th century.