For Students
western: Media
narrative genre
Watch the early movie The Great Train Robbery
Learn about the movie The Great Train Robbery by watching it.
Video: Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, Washington, D.C.
View a scene from “Under California Stars” starring Roy Rogers
A scene from Under California Stars (1948), starring Roy Rogers.
Video: Public Domain
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Scene from Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957), directed by John Sturges.
© 1957 Paramount Pictures Corporation
Promotional poster for High Noon
High Noon (1952), directed by Fred Zinnemann, earned seven Academy Award...
Stanley Kramer Productions/United Artists Corporation; photograph from a private collection
James Stewart, John Ford, and John Wayne
(From left) James Stewart, John Ford, and John Wayne on the set of the motion picture...
© 1962 Paramount Pictures Corporation; all rights reserved
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