Flavian I Of Antioch
Flavian I Of Antioch (born c. 320, probably Antioch, Syria—died 404) was the bishop of Antioch from 381 to 404, whose election perpetuated the schism originated by Meletius of Antioch (q.v.), a crucial division in the Eastern Church over the nature of the Trinity.
With his friend Diodorus, later bishop of Tarsus (Tur.), Flavian defended the Nicene Creed against Arianism (q.v.). In 360 Bishop St. Meletius was appointed to the see of Antioch (whose bishop, St. Eustathius, had been banished for opposing Arianism); there his unexpected profession of Nicaean orthodoxy caused him to be exiled several times. During Meletius’ absences, Flavian and Diodorus administered his see. But the churchmen who remained devoted to Eustathius formed a faction—destined to resist Meletius’ authority—and made Paulinus their bishop, causing the Meletian Schism.
Flavian succeeded Meletius (381), and Paulinus appointed as his own successor Evagrius, the last bishop of the Eustathian faction. Recognition of Flavian as legitimate bishop of Antioch was at first withheld by Pope St. Siricius, but his position was secured in 398/399 through the intervention of Patriarch St. John Chrysostom of Constantinople and the influence of the Roman emperor Theodosius I the Great. Nevertheless, some Eustathians continued in schism until 414.