Hippocrates of Chios
- Flourished:
- c. 440 bc
- Flourished:
- c.460 BCE -
Hippocrates of Chios (flourished c. 440 bc) was a Greek geometer who compiled the first known work on the elements of geometry nearly a century before Euclid. Although the work is no longer extant, Euclid may have used it as a model for his Elements.
According to tradition, Hippocrates was a merchant whose goods had been captured by pirates. He went to Athens to prosecute them but met with little success in recovering his property. He remained in Athens, however, where he attended lectures on mathematics and finally took up teaching geometry to support himself. Aristotle (384–322 bc) recounts a different story, claiming that Hippocrates was cheated by customs officers in Byzantium; he purportedly did so to show that, although Hippocrates was a good geometer, he was incompetent to handle the ordinary affairs of life.
Hippocrates’ Elements is known only through references made in the works of later commentators, especially the Greek philosophers Proclus (c. ad 410–485) and Simplicius of Cilicia (fl. c. ad 530). In his attempts to square the circle, Hippocrates was able to find the areas of certain lunes, or crescent-shaped figures contained between two intersecting circles. He based this work upon the theorem that the areas of two circles have the same ratio as the squares of their radii. A summary of these quadratures of lunes, written by Eudemus of Rhodes (c. 335 bc), with elaborate proofs, has been preserved by Simplicius.

The third of the achievements attributed to Hippocrates was the discovery that, given a cube of side a, a cube with double its volume can be constructed if two mean proportionals, x and y, can be determined such that a:x = x:y = y:2a. It is also generally thought that Hippocrates introduced the tactic of reducing a complex problem to a more tractable or simpler problem. His reduction of the problem of “doubling the cube” (a three-dimensional quantity) to finding two lengths (one-dimensional quantities) certainly fits this description.