Liu Hui
- Flourished:
- c. 263 ce, China
- Flourished:
- 263 -
Liu Hui (flourished c. 263 ce, China) was a Chinese mathematician.
All that is known about the life of Liu Hui is that he lived in the northern Wei kingdom (see Three Kingdoms) during the 3rd century ce. His fame rests on the commentary he completed in 263 on Jiuzhang suanshu (The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art)—a mathematical canon of the 1st century bce or ce that played a similar role in the East to Euclid’s Elements in the West. Liu’s commentary on The Nine Chapters proved the correctness of its algorithms. These proofs are the earliest-known Chinese proofs in the contemporary sense. However, in contrast to authors of ancient Greek mathematical texts, Liu did not set out to prove theorems so much as to establish the correctness of algorithms. For example, he rigorously proved algorithms for determining the area of circles and the volume of pyramids by dissecting the regions into infinitely many pieces. He also proved algorithms for arithmetic and algebraic operations, such as adding fractions and solving systems of simultaneous linear equations.
An analysis of Liu’s proofs reveals some recurring procedures. For instance, he regularly used what can be called algebraic proofs within an algorithmic context, perhaps a contribution to the emergence of this specific kind of proof in world mathematics. In all these cases, it appears that he aimed to show that a small number of fundamental operations underlie all the algorithms in The Nine Chapters, thereby reducing their diversity.

In his preface to the The Nine Chapters, Liu noted a gap in its procedures that did not allow one to tackle problems involving celestial distances. He thus appended surveying problems and algorithms that amounted to a kind of trigonometry to fill this gap. These problems were gathered, probably in the 7th century, in an independent book, Haidao suanjing (“Sea Island Mathematical Manual”), ascribed to him.
A certain philosophical perspective permeates the mathematical work of Liu. He quotes a great variety of ancient philosophical texts, such as the Confucian canons, prominently the Yijing (I Ching; Book of Changes); Daoist key texts, such as the Zhuangzi; and Mohist texts. Moreover, his commentary regularly echoes contemporary philosophical developments. It can be argued that he considered an algorithm to be that which, in mathematics, embodies the transformations that are at play everywhere in the cosmos—thus his philosophical reflections on mathematics related to the concept of “change” as a main topic of inquiry in China.