- Latin:
- Marcus Antonius
- Born:
- 83
- Died:
- August, 30 bce, Alexandria, Egypt
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Cleopatra
- spouse Fulvia
- spouse Octavia
- son Ptolemy Philadelphus
Religious propaganda declared Cleopatra the New Isis or Aphrodite (mythic goddess of love and beauty) to his New Dionysus, and it is possible (but unlikely) that they contracted an Egyptian marriage; it would not have been valid in Roman law since Romans could not marry foreigners. Apart from their undoubted mutual affection, Cleopatra needed Antony in order to revive the old boundaries of the Ptolemaic kingdom (though her efforts to convince him to give her Herod’s Judaea failed), and Antony needed Egypt as a source of supplies and funds for his planned attack on Parthia. He made Alexandria his headquarters and in 34 celebrated there a successful expedition to Armenia by appearing in a triumphal procession that some Romans were persuaded to view (i.e., through propaganda) as an impious parody of their traditional triumph. A few days later he staged a ceremony at which Cleopatra was pronounced Queen of Kings, and her son and joint monarch Ptolemy XV Caesar (Caesarion, now recognized by Antony as the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar) was declared King of Kings; the two sons and one daughter that Cleopatra had by this time borne to Antony were also given imposing royal titles. In Rome these moves were depicted by Octavian as involving the transfer of Roman territories into Greek hands. In 33 Octavian began a series of savage political attacks on Antony, which culminated with the production of a document deposited with the Vestal Virgins that was said to be Antony’s will; it left large territories to Cleopatra and her children and provided for his burial in Alexandria.
The triumvirate may have formally ended in late 32, although Antony continued to call himself triumvir on his coins. Both consuls at Rome, however, happened to support Antony, and now, threatened by Octavian, they left for his headquarters, bringing numerous—probably more than 200—Roman senators with them. After Antony had officially divorced Octavia, her brother formally broke off the ties of personal friendship with him and declared war, not against him but against Cleopatra. Antony successively established his headquarters at Ephesus (Selçuk), Athens, and Patras (Pátrai) and marshalled his principal fleet in the gulf of Ambracia (northwestern Greece). More naval detachments occupied a long line of posts along the west coast of Greece. But Octavian’s admiral Agrippa, and then Octavian himself, succeeded in sailing from Italy across the Ionian Sea and effecting landings, and Agrippa captured decisive points on and off the coasts of Macedonia and Greece.
As Antony lost more ground, the morale of his advisers and fighting forces deteriorated, a process aided by Cleopatra’s insistence on being present at his headquarters against the wishes of many of his leading Roman supporters. Most of them gradually left him and were received by Octavian. The decisive battle took place off Actium, outside the Ambracian Gulf, on Sept. 2, 31. When Octavian’s fleet under Agrippa gained the upper hand, Cleopatra broke through with her 60 ships and returned to Alexandria. Antony, having lost the battle and the war, joined her there. When Octavian arrived (summer 30), first Antony and then Cleopatra committed suicide.
Antony was a man of considerable ability and impressive appearance, far more genial than his adversary but not quite equal to Octavian’s exceptional efficiency, energy, and political skill. Nevertheless, he was an outstanding leader of men and a competent general, though, in the end, not such a successful admiral as the experienced Agrippa. As a politician, he was astute enough—aided by a talent for florid oratory—but gradually lost touch with Roman feeling and fatally lacked the cold deliberateness of Octavian. Since the latter proved victorious in his struggle for power, it is his interpretation of events, rather than Antony’s, that has remained lodged in the history books. Cicero had earlier depicted Antony as a drunken, lustful debauchee—though his adulteries may have been less extensive than Octavian’s. More significantly for history, the outcome of the battle off Actium made certain that Octavian’s Roman-Italian policy prevailed throughout the empire, and the Antonian theme of Greco-Roman collaboration was not given a trial until the emperor Constantine captured Byzantium three centuries later.
Michael Grant E. Badian