Maxime Weygand
Maxime Weygand (born Jan. 21, 1867, Brussels—died Jan. 28, 1965, Paris) was a French army officer who in World War I served as chief of staff under Gen. (later Marshal) Ferdinand Foch and who in World War II, as commander in chief of the Allied armies in France, advised the French government to capitulate (June 12, 1940).
Born in Belgium but educated in France, he went in 1886 to Saint-Cyr, the French training school for officers, and graduated with high honours in 1888. He studied and then taught at the cavalry school at Saumur and, by 1914, had attracted the attention of Foch, who made him his chief of staff.
Between the wars, Weygand served as adviser to the Polish army fighting the Bolsheviks (1920), high commissioner in Syria (1923–24), and vice president of the Superior War Council of France and inspector general of the army (1931–35). On Jan. 21, 1935, he retired at the age of 68.

On May 20, 1940, he was recalled to assume command of the armies when France was already being overrun by German forces. He advised capitulation. In December 1941 he was put on a pension and retired to his country place at Grasse, near Cannes. After the Allied invasion of North Africa (1942) he sought to fly to Algiers but was caught by the Germans and imprisoned in an Austrian castle, Schloss Itter. He was released by U.S. troops on May 5, 1945, flown to Paris, and arrested at Gen. Charles de Gaulle’s command. He was “rehabilitated” three years later, and de Gaulle, in his memoirs, would later write, “when on May 20, [1940, Weygand] had taken over the supreme command, it was too late, without any doubt, to win the battle of France.”