Saint Cyril
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- main reference
- In Saints Cyril and Methodius
Cyril (originally named Constantine) had missionary experience with the Arabs and had been a professor of philosophy at the patriarchal school in Constantinople when he began to work with his brother Methodius, the abbot of a Greek monastery, for the conversion of the Khazars northeast…
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contribution to
- Czech literature
- In Czech Republic: Literature of the Czech Republic
…and diplomat, Cyril (originally named Constantine), and his brother Methodius (see Saints Cyril and Methodius). The brothers translated the greater part of the Bible and the essential liturgical texts into what must have been a Slavonic literary language of Cyril’s devising, based on the Macedonian-Slavonic vernacular of his native Salonika…
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- Old Russian literature
- In Russian literature: The Kievan period
…century by Saints Cyril (or Constantine) and Methodius, was already available. Bulgaria, which had been Christianized a century earlier and had offered a home to the Cyrillo-Methodian community, became a conduit for the transmission of Greek culture, translated into Old Church Slavonic, to Russia, which in turn rapidly established its…
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- Slavic alphabet
- In Cyrillic alphabet
Cyril (or Constantine) and St. Methodius. Their mission to Moravia lasted only a few decades. Their disciples went to South Slavic regions of the first Bulgarian empire, including what are now Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia, where in the 900s they constructed a new script…
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- In Cyrillic alphabet
- Slavic language
- In Eastern Orthodoxy: Missions: ancient and modern
…the missionaries led by Saints Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century.
Read More - In Slavic languages: The early development of the Slavic languages
Cyril and his brother St. Methodius to create a national church with a language and writing of its own. Prior to that time some Christian texts in Moravia might have been translated into Slavic from Latin (and partly perhaps from Old High German); those have…
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- Slavonic Bible
- Slavonic Christianity
- In Christianity: Missions and monasticism
…with the work of Saints Cyril and Methodius, who created a Slavonic alphabet and translated the Bible into the Slavonic language. Although their labours in Moravia were undermined by Frankish clergy, it was their achievement that made possible the faith and medieval culture of both Russia and Serbia.
Read More - In Christianity: Eastern and Nestorian missions
…about 862 sent two brothers, Constantine (later called Cyril; c. 827–869) and Methodius (c. 825–884), from Constantinople to Moravia. They provided Scriptures and liturgy in the mother tongue of each people evangelized and trained others in their methods. This missionary competition was repeated in Bulgaria when its khan, Boris I,…
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history of
- In Balkans: The Orthodox east
…the Orthodox world two monks, Cyril and Methodius, devised an alphabet that enabled their disciples to translate religious texts into Slavonic. This new alphabet enabled the establishment of a liturgical and literary language of the Balkans, but it also meant that, with Greek remaining in use in commerce and in…
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- Bulgaria
- In Bulgaria: The spread of Christianity
…by the work of Saints Cyril and Methodius, who had invented an alphabet in which to write the Slavic language (known as Old Church Slavonic or Old Bulgarian) and almost completed the translation of the Bible (most parts of both the Old and the New Testament) into the vernacular of…
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- Macedonia
- In North Macedonia: The medieval states
…to be associated with Saints Cyril and Methodius, whose great achievement was the devising of an alphabet based on Greek letters and adapted to the phonetic peculiarities of the Slavonic tongue. In its later development as the Cyrillic alphabet, this came to be a distinctive cultural feature uniting several of…
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- Serbia
- In Serbia: The early Slav states
…brothers from Thessalonica, Cyril (Constantine) and Methodius, to evangelize the Slavs. Michael encouraged Cyril and Methodius to preach in the vernacular, and to facilitate this task they invented a script using the phonetic peculiarities of the Slavic tongue. Initially known as Glagolitic, the script was subsequently revised to employ…
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- Great Moravia
- In Czechoslovak history: Moravia
…two brothers of Macedonian origin, Cyril and Methodius, arrived from Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 863. They not only preached in a Slavic language, Old Church Slavonic, but also translated portions of the Christian scriptures into that language and used them in divine services. To Cyril is attributed the creation of…
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- Moravia
- In Moravia
…also invited the Byzantine missionaries Cyril and Methodius (who arrived in 863) to spread Christianity in Bohemia and Moravia on the basis of their Slavonic translation of the chief liturgical texts. After Svatopluk died (894), however, Great Moravia disintegrated and was finally destroyed by a Magyar attack in 906.
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- Nitra
- In Nitra
… 830 and consecrated by Saints Cyril and Methodius. Town privileges were acquired in 1248. The town’s dominant features are still the old fortification gate, above which the Zobor (a hill 1,929 feet [588 metres] high) rises to the north, and the medieval castle enclosure, which includes the cathedral.
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