Thaddeus Cahill
American inventor
Learn about this topic in these articles:
invention of telharmonium
- In electronic music: Beginnings
…many years by an American, Thaddeus Cahill, who built a formidable assembly of rotary generators and telephone receivers to convert electrical signals into sound. Cahill called his remarkable invention the telharmonium, which he started to build about 1895 and continued to improve for years thereafter. The instrument failed because it…
Read More - In electronic instrument: Precursors of electronic instruments
…of early electric instruments was Thaddeus Cahill’s Telharmonium. Completed in 1906, this instrument employed large rotary generators to produce alternating electric waveforms, telephone receivers equipped with horns to convert the electric waveforms into sound, and a network of wires to distribute “Telharmonic Music” to subscribers in New York City. Complex…
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