Theodoret Of Cyrrhus
Theodoret Of Cyrrhus (born c. 393, Antioch, Syria—died c. 458, /466) was a Syrian theologian-bishop, representative of Antioch’s historico-critical school of biblical-theological interpretation, whose writings were a moderating influence on the 5th-century Christological disputes and contributed to the development of the Christian theological vocabulary.
First a monk, then by 423 bishop of Cyrrhus, near Antioch, Theodoret evangelized the region and contended with Christian sectarians in doctrinal questions giving rise to several treatises on apologetics, the systematic exposition of Christian faith, one of which, Therapeutikē (“The Cure for Pagan Evils”), has become a minor classic.
Influenced by the historical method of the 4th-century Antiochenes St. John Chrysostom and Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodoret took issue with the allegorical trend in Alexandrian (Egypt) theology that stressed the divine-mystical element in Christ, addressing him exclusively in terms of God (monophysitism). Adapting with greater precision the analytical approach of his colleague Nestorius, Theodoret in his principal works, On The Incarnation and Eranistēs (“The Beggar”), written about 431 and 446, respectively, attributed to Christ an integral human consciousness with a distinct psychological ego. To harmonize this view with the traditional orthodoxy of the earliest church writers, he distinguished the concepts of nature (i.e., the principle of action, twofold in the case of Christ’s divinity and humanity) and person (i.e., the common centre of attribution to Jesus as an individual). Theodoret responded several times to accusations of being a Nestorian heretic, answering with conciliatory statements that voiced his acceptance of the term “God-bearer” (theotokos) for the Virgin Mary and denied that his teaching “divided the one Son into two Sons.”

The Alexandrians, persisting in the suppression of Antiochene teaching, arranged a church council packed with their own supporters, historically known as the Robber Synod, held at Ephesus in 449, in which Theodoret was declared a heretic and sent into exile. Released by the Eastern Roman emperor Marcian, after an appeal defining his doctrinal stance to Pope Leo the Great at Rome, he was partially vindicated in 451 at the General Council of Chalcedon. There the conciliar bishops acknowledged his orthodoxy on condition that he pronounce the condemnations (anathemas) against Nestorius, first devised by Cyril of Alexandria in early 431, in effect repudiating his own anti-anathemas by which he countercharged Cyril with teaching the absence of a human intellect in Christ (Apollinarianism). The council itself, however, did not endorse Cyril’s anathemas in its final proceedings, apparently as a token approbation of Theodoret. Acutely aware of the two poles in the debate on Christ, Theodoret consistently considered the monophysites of Alexandria theologically more perilous than the Nestorians.
To identify Theodoret’s precise position in this controversy is difficult because of his mediatory role in striving to integrate conflicting theologies and to avoid extremes. About a century after his death, his anti-anathemas against Cyril of Alexandria were rejected at the second general Council of Constantinople in 553. It remains debatable whether Theodoret’s Christological theory ever evolved into an orthodox view or whether it essentially reduced itself to a Nestorian, dualist analysis of Christ. His 35 written works also included biblical commentaries and historical chronicles of the church and monasticism in the mid-5th century.