- Flourished:
- 25th century bce
- Flourished:
- c.2465 BCE - c.2325 BCE
- Title / Office:
- king (2465BC-2325BC), Egypt
Userkaf (flourished 25th century bce) was the first king of the 5th dynasty of ancient Egypt (c. 2435–c. 2306 bce), under whose reign the cult of Re, god of the sun, began to gain unprecedented importance.
Probably descended from Redjedef (third king of the 4th dynasty [c. 2543–c. 2436 bce]), Userkaf strengthened his legitimacy by marrying the heiress Khentkaues, who was a descendant of the main branch of the royal family. Thus, he ended the dynastic struggles that the rival branches had caused during the 4th dynasty.
His queen occupied a very prominent position and even built her own tomb at Al-Jīzah (Giza), known as the Unfinished Pyramid. Userkaf himself built the first of a series of temples to Re at Abū Ṣīr, north of present-day Cairo, on the west bank of the Nile. His pyramid at Ṣaqqārah was smaller than those of the 4th dynasty, perhaps indicating that the Re cult eclipsed some of the pharaoh’s preeminence. Also, the royal control of administration slackened under Userkaf, with a corresponding growth of importance of provincial personalities, particularly in Upper Egypt.