William Of Hirsau
- German:
- Wilhelm Von Hirsau
- Died:
- July 2, 1091, Württemberg, Duchy of Swabia
William Of Hirsau (born, Bavaria—died July 2, 1091, Württemberg, Duchy of Swabia) was a German cleric, Benedictine abbot, and monastic reformer, the principal German advocate of Pope Gregory VII’s clerical reforms, which sought to eliminate clerical corruption and free ecclesiastical offices from secular control.
William was sent as a child to the monastic school of Sankt Emmeram in Regensburg. In 1069 he was appointed abbot of the monastery of Hirsau in Württemberg, following the deposition of the Abbot Frederick; William, however, refused to take office until Frederick died in 1071. After a visit to Rome in 1075, William won from Gregory a decree exempting the abbey from the authority of the local bishop, who often represented political interests. In turn, William became the leading agent of the Gregorian reform in Germany. He supported the papacy in the investiture controversy, a dispute regarding the right of the pope to make ecclesiastic appointments without political interference. He was also severely critical of the German bishops who aligned themselves with the papacy solely because of their political and economic interests, observing that disentanglement from such interests was a major tenet of the reform.
With papal encouragement, William, in 1079, adapted for Hirsau the regimen and customs of Cluniac monasticism. William established an elaborate daily liturgy along the lines of that developed at the Benedictine abbey of Cluny in France. His Constitutiones Hirsaugienses (“Constitutions of Hirsau”) went beyond his model, establishing a stricter discipline in common prayer and silence. In 1077 William instituted a new category of monks, the fratres exteriores (literally, “external brothers,” i.e., lay brothers), to perform manual tasks in the monastery; these monks assumed less stringent monastic vows than their clerical brethren and had a smaller role in liturgical worship. The practice spread to the Cluniac monasteries and eventually became the norm at Benedictine monasteries across Europe.

William’s reforms proved so popular that he was compelled, in 1083, to construct a second monastery nearby to accommodate the increasing numbers of monks at Hirsau. Other abbeys became associated with Hirsau, transforming it into a major monastic centre; more than 100 houses following Hirsau’s rule were established during William’s lifetime.
In furthering the scholarly learning of Hirsau, William wrote Dialogi de musica (“Dialogues on Music”) and De astronomia (“On Astronomy”). These treatises, together with the Constitutiones Hirsaugienses, are contained in the series Patrologia Latina, J.P. Migne (ed.), vol. 150 (1854). The primary source for the life of William is in the collection Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores (“Historical Records of Germany, Writers”), W. Wattenbach (ed.), vol. 12 (1856).