Zelda Fitzgerald
- Née:
- Zelda Sayre
- Born:
- July 24, 1900, Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.
- Died:
- March 10, 1948, Asheville, North Carolina (aged 47)
- Notable Works:
- “Save Me the Waltz”
What is Zelda Fitzgerald remembered for?
How did Zelda Fitzgerald become famous?
What did Zelda Fitzgerald do?
Zelda Fitzgerald (born July 24, 1900, Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.—died March 10, 1948, Asheville, North Carolina) was an American writer and artist, best known for personifying the carefree ideals of the 1920s flapper and for her tumultuous marriage to F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Zelda was the youngest daughter of Alabama Supreme Court Justice Anthony Dickinson Sayre and Minnie Buckner Machen Sayre. She was a high-spirited and wayward child, and as a teen, her lack of propriety—notably flirting, drinking, and smoking—raised the eyebrows of the genteel set in her hometown.
Following her high school graduation in 1918, Zelda met F. Scott Fitzgerald at a weekend country club dance. She was a regular at such social activities, and he was an officer stationed at nearby Camp Sheridan. Scott began a courtship, but Zelda was hesitant about his financial prospects and continued to court other suitors. When he published his first novel, This Side of Paradise, in March 1920, she finally agreed to marry him, and the two wed in New York on April 3. Zelda gave birth to their only child, Frances (“Scottie”) Fitzgerald, the following year.

This Side of Paradise was an immediate success, and the couple became overnight celebrities. In rendering the youthful rebellion of the 1920s, Scott became known as the chronicler of the Jazz Age, and Zelda became an emblem of the 1920s liberated woman. They both indulged in an extravagant lifestyle, spending beyond their means on travel, parties, and liquor. In 1924 the Fitzgeralds moved to France, where they joined a group of American expatriates, led by Gerald and Sara Murphy, on the Riviera. There Scott finished his third novel, The Great Gatsby, in 1925. Although the book would later become a classic, its middling initial reception disappointed Scott. By the end of the decade, the Fitzgeralds’ already quarrelsome marriage had grown more agitated. Scott struggled to write his fourth novel, and Zelda sought creative outlets of her own, writing short stories for magazines, painting, swimming, and intensely practicing ballet, a hobby from her youth.
In 1930 Zelda had a mental breakdown and spent the next year in different European clinics. When she was released in 1931, the Fitzgeralds moved back to the United States. Zelda, however, had another breakdown in 1932 and entered Phipps Psychiatric Clinic in Baltimore, where she wrote her only novel, Save Me the Waltz (1932). The book was largely autobiographical, relating her side of the Fitzgeralds’ troubled marriage through the characters of Alabama Beggs and her painter husband, David Knight. Scott resented Zelda’s use of the same material he planned to use for his novel, and he blamed her medical bills for keeping him from finishing his own work. Save Me the Waltz, however, did not sell well, and Zelda turned to playwriting. Scandalabra, described as a “fantasy-farce,” was staged by a small theatre group in Baltimore in 1933, but its rambling banter only confused critics. Her next creative endeavour, painting, did not fare better, with a New York show in 1934 bringing ambivalent reviews.
Meanwhile, Scott finally published Tender Is the Night (1934), nearly 10 years after finishing his third novel. By this time, however, the Fitzgeralds were greatly in debt, Scott was struggling with alcoholism, and Zelda was in and out of health clinics. In 1936 Zelda entered Highland Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina, and in 1937 Scott moved to Hollywood to become a scriptwriter. He died of a heart attack there three years later at the age of 44. Zelda continued to paint and started a second novel, Caesar’s Things, but perished in a fire at Highland Hospital in 1948 before she could finish it. She never attained the creative success she eagerly sought, but she and Scott inspired numerous biographies, novels, movies, and TV series.