Birds, FAL-ICT
Hummingbirds, chickens, flamingos, pheasants: birds may come in all different shapes and sizes, but they all possess feathers, which is the easiest way to distinguish them from all other animals. Although not all species of bird can fly (sorry about that, ostriches), many birds do enjoy the power of flight, and this has permitted an almost unlimited diversification of birds, so that birds are now found virtually everywhere on Earth.
Birds Encyclopedia Articles By Title
falcon, any of nearly 60 species of hawks of the family Falconidae (order Falconiformes), diurnal birds of prey......
falconiform, (order Falconiformes), any of the group of swift, graceful birds known for their predatory skill as......
false sunbird, either of two species of birds in Madagascar of the family Philepittidae (order Passeriformes).......
fantail, any of numerous birds of the family Rhipiduridae. The fantails constitute the genus Rhipidura. Fantails......
finch, any of several hundred species of small conical-billed seed-eating songbirds (order Passeriformes). Well-known......
finfoot, (family Heliornithidae), any of three species of medium-sized lobe-footed, semiaquatic birds found in......
Fiordland penguin, (Eudyptes pachyrhynchus), species of crested penguin (genus Eudyptes, order Sphenisciformes)......
fire finch, any of several red-and-brown or red-and-black birds of Africa that usually have fine white dots on......
firecrest, European species of kinglet...
fish owl, any of several species of owls of the genera Ketupa and Scotopelia in the family Strigidae (order Strigiformes).......
flagbird, any of the six-plumed birds-of-paradise. See...
flamingo, (order Phoenicopteriformes), any of six species of tall, pink wading birds with thick downturned bills.......
flatbill, any of six species of Central and South American birds belonging to the tyrant flycatcher family Tyrannidae......
flicker, any of several New World woodpeckers of the genus Colaptes, family Picidae (q.v.), that are noted for......
flightless bird, any of several birds that have, through evolution, lost the ability to fly as they adapted to......
flowerpecker, any of 44 species belonging to the songbird family Dicaeidae (sometimes placed with the sunbirds......
flycatcher, any of a number of perching birds (order Passeriformes) that dart out to capture insects on the wing,......
forktail, any of seven species of birds of the Asian, chiefly Himalayan, genus Enicurus. Forktails usually are......
francolin, any of several species of popular game birds classified as partridges. See...
freckled duck, (Stictonetta naevosa), rare Australian waterfowl, characterized by dark dots scattered over its......
frigate bird, any member of five species of large seabirds constituting the family Fregatidae (order Pelecaniformes......
Fringillidae, songbird family, order Passeriformes, sometimes collectively termed true finches. The group, whose......
frogmouth, (family Podargidae), any of numerous birds, comprising the family Podargidae in the order Caprimulgiformes,......
fulmar, any of several species of gull-like oceanic birds of the family Procellariidae (order Procellariiformes),......
Furnariidae, bird family, order Passeriformes, containing about 240 species in nearly 60 genera, limited in distribution......
gadfly petrel, any of several species of petrels distinguished from others by their fluttering type of flight.......
gadwall, (Anas strepera), small, drably coloured duck of the family Anatidae, a popular game bird. Almost circumpolar......
Galapagos finch, distinctive group of birds whose radiation into several ecological niches in the competition-free......
Galapagos penguin, (Spheniscus mendiculus), species of penguin (order Sphenisciformes) characterized by the presence......
galliform, (order Galliformes), any of the gallinaceous (that is, fowl-like or chickenlike) birds. The order includes......
gallinule, any of several species of marsh birds belonging to the rail family, Rallidae, in the order Gruiformes.......
gannet, any of three oceanic bird species within the family Sulidae (order Pelecaniformes or Suliformes). Closely......
gentoo penguin, (Pygoscelis papua), species of penguin (order Sphenisciformes) characterized by a band of white......
gnatcatcher, (genus Polioptila), any of about 15 species of small insect-eating New World birds in the family Polioptilidae......
gnateater, any of eight species of bird of the genus Conopophaga in the family Conopophagidae, formerly classified......
godwit, any of four species of large, long-billed shorebirds of the genus Limosa, family Scolopacidae, named for......
goldcrest, European species of kinglet...
golden eagle, (Aquila chrysaetos), dark brown eagle of the family Accipitridae, characterized by golden lanceolate......
golden whistler, songbird, a species of thickhead...
goldeneye, either of two species of small, yellow-eyed diving ducks (family Anatidae), which produce a characteristic......
goldfinch, any of several species of the genus Carduelis (some formerly in Spinus) of the songbird family Fringillidae;......
goose, any of various large heavy-bodied waterfowl intermediate in size and build between large ducks and swans,......
goshawk, any of the more powerful accipiters, or true hawks (i.e., belonging to the genus Accipiter), primarily......
grackle, any of several species of birds belonging to the family Icteridae (order Passeriformes) that have iridescent......
Grallinidae, bird family (order Passeriformes) that includes the mudlark, apostle bird, and white-winged chough.......
grass finch, any of several small finchlike birds of Australasia that constitute the tribe Erythrurini of the songbird......
grass owl, any of certain grassland owl species, belonging to the family Tytonidae, which also includes the barn......
graybird, any of numerous cuckoo-shrikes of the genus Coracina. See...
great auk, (Pinguinus impennis), flightless seabird extinct since 1844. Great auks belonged to the family Alcidae......
great blue heron, (Ardea herodias), well-known species of large North American herons, classified in the bird family......
great horned owl, (Bubo virginianus), horned owl species that ranges from Arctic tree limits south to the Strait......
great Indian bustard, (Ardeotis nigriceps), large bird of the bustard family (Otididae), one of the heaviest flying......
great tit, (Parus major), small, colorful woodland songbird identifiable by its vibrant body coloration and black......
grebe, (order Podicipediformes), any member of an order of foot-propelled diving birds containing a single family,......
greenfinch, any of several small greenish birds, with yellow in the wings and tail, of the genus Carduelis (some......
greenlet, any of several tropical birds of the vireo family, Vireonidae. See...
greenshank, (species Tringa nebularia), Old World shorebird of the family Scolopacidae (order Charadriiformes).......
greylag, (Anser anser), most common Eurasian representative of the so-called gray goose and ancestor of all Occidental......
grosbeak, any of several conical-billed birds belonging to the families Cardinalidae and Fringillidae. Their name......
ground cuckoo, any of about 15 species of birds constituting the subfamily Neomorphinae of the cuckoo family (Cuculidae),......
ground roller, any of five species of pigeon-sized birds that comprise the family Brachypteracidae (order Coraciiformes)......
ground thrush, any of about 37 species of thrushes of the genus Zoothera (family Turdidae), including birds sometimes......
grouse, any of a number of game birds in the family Tetraonidae (order Galliformes). In addition to species called......
gruiform, (order Gruiformes), any member of a rather loose assemblage of 12 families of birds that are generally......
guan, any of several small birds of the curassow family. See...
guillemot, any of three species of black and white seabirds of the genus Cepphus, in the auk family, Alcidae. The......
guinea fowl, any of a family, Numididae (order Galliformes), of African birds that are alternatively placed by......
guira, (Guira guira), bird of eastern tropical South America in the cuckoo family, Cuculidae. It is 40 cm (16 inches)......
gull, any of more than 40 species of heavily built web-footed seabirds of the gull and tern family Laridae (order......
gyrfalcon, (Falco rusticolus), Arctic bird of prey of the family Falconidae that is the world’s largest falcon.......
hammerhead, (Scopus umbretta), African wading bird, the sole species of the family Scopidae (order Ciconiiformes......
Harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja)This bird, which is considered to be the most powerful eagle in the world, lives in......
harrier, any of about 11 species of hawks of the subfamily Circinae (family Accipitridae). They are plain-looking,......
Hawaiian honeycreeper, any member of a group of related birds, many of them nectar-eating, that evolved in the......
hawk, any of various small to medium-sized accipitriform birds, particularly those in the genus Accipiter, known......
hawk owl, any of numerous birds of prey of the family Strigidae (order Strigiformes). The northern hawk owl (Surnia......
helmet-shrike, (family Prionopidae), any of nine species of African songbirds (order Passeriformes) characterized......
hemipode, (Greek: “half foot”), generally any bird of the suborder Turnices (order Gruiformes), which includes......
hermit, any of several hummingbird species of the genus Phaethornis. See...
heron, any of about 60 species of long-legged wading birds, classified in the family Ardeidae (order Ciconiiformes)......
herring gull, Most common of the Atlantic gulls in the Northern Hemisphere. The herring gull (Larus argentatus)......
Hesperornis, (genus Hesperornis), extinct birds found as fossils in Late Cretaceous Period deposits dating from......
Hirundinidae, songbird family, order Passeriformes, consisting of swallows and martins, approximately 90 species......
hoatzin, (Opisthocomus hoazin), primitive chicken-sized bird of South American swamps, principally in the Amazon......
hobby, any of certain birds of prey of the genus Falco (primarily F. subbuteo) that are intermediate in size and......
honey guide, any of about 17 species of birds constituting the family Indicitoridae (order Piciformes). The honey......
honeycreeper, any of four species of tropical Western Hemisphere birds of the family Thraupidae, order Passeriformes.......
honeyeater, any of the more than 180 species in the songbird family Meliphagidae (order Passeriformes) that make......
hoopoe, (Upupa epops), strikingly crested bird found from southern Europe and Africa to southeastern Asia, the......
hornbill, (family Bucerotidae), any of approximately 60 species of Old World tropical birds constituting the family......
horned owl, (genus Bubo), any of 17 species of owls with hornlike tufts of feathers on the head. The name refers......
house sparrow, (Passer domesticus), one of the world’s best-known and most abundant small birds, sometimes classified......
Humboldt penguin, (Spheniscus humboldti), species of penguin (order Sphenisciformes) characterized by the presence......
hummingbird, any of about 320 species of small, often brightly coloured birds of the family Trochilidae, usually......
hypocoly, (Hypocolius ampelinus), Middle Eastern songbird believed by some authorities to be related to the waxwing......
ibis, any of about 26 species of medium-sized wading birds constituting the subfamily Threskiornithinae of the......
ibisbill, (Ibidorhyncha struthersii), Asian bird named for its long, red, down-curved bill (similar to that of......
Icadyptes, genus of extinct giant penguin that lived about 37 million to 35 million years ago, during the second......
Ichthyornis, (order Ichthyornithiformes), extinct seabird of the Late Cretaceous Period (99.6 million to 66 million......
Icteridae, songbird family, order Passeriformes, consisting of about 100 species of great diversity in size, habits,......