Fungi, Protists & Viruses, FUC-PEN
Fungi, protists, and viruses may not be the most cuddly of organisms, but they’re no less worth studying for it. Fungi, whose ranks include yeasts, rusts, molds, and mushrooms, are among the most widely distributed organisms on Earth. Protists such as algae and protozoans are microscopic eukaryotic organisms. Viruses are infectious agents of small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria.
Fungi, Protists & Viruses Encyclopedia Articles By Title
Fucus, genus of brown algae, common on rocky seacoasts and in salt marshes of northern temperate regions. Fucus......
Fuligo, genus of true slime molds (class Myxomycetes; q.v.) whose large fruiting body (compound sporangia), 5 centimetres......
fungus, any of about 144,000 known species of organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which includes the yeasts, rusts,......
- Introduction
- Decomposers, Symbiosis, Ecosystems
- Reproduction, Nutrition, Decomposition
- Structure, Reproduction, Nutrition
- Sporophores, Spores, Reproduction
- Reproduction, Nutrition, Hyphae
- Nutrition, Saprotrophs, Mycorrhizae
- Saprotrophism, Decomposition, Nutrition
- Parasitism, Plants, Insects
- Parasites, Infections, Diseases
- Mycorrhiza, Symbiosis, Nutrients
- Predation, Parasitism, Saprotrophs
- Spores, Hyphae, Reproduction
- Reproduction, Spores, Hyphae
- Reproduction, Spores, Hyphae
- Decomposition, Symbiosis, Saprophytes
- Lichens, Symbiosis, Photosynthesis
- Symbiosis, Photosynthesis, Lichens
- Evolution, Phylogeny, Eukaryotes
- Classification, Types, Reproduction
- Annotated classification
Fusulina, genus of extinct fusulinid foraminiferans (protozoans with a shell) found as fossils in marine rocks......
Fusulinella, genus of extinct fusulinid foraminiferans (protozoans with a shell) found as fossils in Late Carboniferous......
fusulinid, any of a large group of extinct foraminiferans (single-celled organisms related to the modern amoebas......
Ganoderma, a genus of more than 300 species of wood-decaying fungi in the family Ganodermataceae (order Polyporales).......
gasteromycetes, name often given to a subgroup of fungi consisting of more than 700 species in the phylum Basidiomycota......
Giardia lamblia, single-celled parasite of the order Diplomonadida, the cause of the diarrheal illness giardiasis.......
golden algae, (class Chrysophyceae), class of about 33 genera and some 1,200 species of algae (division Chromophyta)......
Gonyaulax, genus of dinoflagellate algae (family Gonyaulacaceae) that inhabit marine, fresh, or brackish water.......
E.W. Goodpasture was an American pathologist whose method (1931) for cultivating viruses and rickettsia in fertile......
green algae, members of the division Chlorophyta, comprising between 9,000 and 12,000 species. The photosynthetic......
gregarine, any protozoan of the sporozoan class Gregarinidea (or Gregarinea). Gregarines occur as parasites in......
Gymnodinium, genus of marine or freshwater dinoflagellate algae (family Gymnodiniaceae). Like all dinoflagellates,......
gymnostome, any ciliated protozoan of the large holotrichous order Gymnostomatida; included are oval to elongated......
Emile Christian Hansen was a Danish botanist who revolutionized the brewing industry by his discovery of a new......
hantavirus, (genus Hantavirus), any member of a genus of viruses (Hantavirus) of the family Bunyaviridae that cause......
haplosporidian, any protozoan of the sporozoan subclass Haplosporea. They are internal parasites of invertebrates......
Harpellales, order of fungi (phylum Glomeromycota, kingdom Fungi) with a vegetative body (thallus) consisting of......
Robert Almer Harper was an American biologist who identified the details of reproduction in the development of......
haustorium, highly modified stem or root of a parasitic plant or a specialized branch or tube originating from......
Helicosporidium, protozoan parasite genus found in insects. It is the only genus of the cnidosporidian phylum Myxozoa......
helioflagellate, freshwater protozoan of the class Zoomastigophorea. Helioflagellates sometimes are considered......
heliozoan, any member of the protozoan class Heliozoea (superclass Actinopoda). Heliozoans are spherical and predominantly......
Helminthosporium, genus of fungi in the order Pleosporales (phylum Ascomycota, kingdom Fungi) that exists as asexual......
hepadnavirus, any virus belonging to the family Hepadnaviridae. Hepadnaviruses have small, enveloped, spherical......
herpesvirus, any virus belonging to the family Herpesviridae. These viruses are pathogenic (disease-causing) in......
heterochlorid, any protozoan of the plantlike flagellate order Heterochlorida. Heterochlorids have two flagella......
heterotrich, any member of the ciliated protozoan order Heterotrichida. Complete ciliation is typical, although......
HIV, retrovirus that attacks and gradually destroys the immune system, leaving the host unprotected against infection.......
Holomastigotoides, genus of large, pear-shaped zooflagellate protozoans; they are intestinal inhabitants of termites.......
Sir William Jackson Hooker was an English botanist who was the first director of the Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew......
human papillomavirus (HPV), any of a subgroup of viruses belonging to the family Papovaviridae that infect humans,......
hymenium, a spore-bearing layer of tissue in fungi (kingdom Fungi) found in the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota.......
hymenomycetes, name often given to an informal grouping of fungi that are members of the phylum Basidiomycota (kingdom......
hymenostome, any member of the evenly ciliated protozoan order Hymenostomatida. Included in this order are the......
hypermastigote, any member of the zooflagellate protozoan order Hypermastigida. Hypermastigotes are complex, uninucleate,......
Hyphochytriomycota, phylum of mostly aquatic funguslike organisms in the kingdom Chromista. The taxonomy of the......
hypotrich, any dorsoventrally flattened, oval protozoan of the ciliate order Hypotrichida, very widely distributed......
Iceland moss, (Cetraria islandica), fruticose (branched, bushy) lichen with an upright thallus usually attached......
influenza A H1N1, virus that is best known for causing widespread outbreaks, including epidemics and pandemics,......
inky cap, (genus Coprinus), genus of about 350 cosmopolitan mushroom species. Inky caps are so named for the disintegration......
iridovirus, any virus belonging to the family Iridoviridae. Iridoviruses possess large enveloped or nonenveloped......
Irish moss, (Chondrus crispus), species of red algae (family Gigartinaceae) that grows abundantly along the rocky......
Isospora, genus of parasitic protozoans of the sporozoan subclass Coccidia. Isospora causes the disease known as......
Dmitry Ivanovsky was a Russian microbiologist who, from his study of mosaic disease in tobacco, first detailed......
Herbert Spencer Jennings was a U.S. zoologist, one of the first scientists to study the behaviour of individual......
kelp, (order Laminariales), any of about 30 genera of brown algae that grow as large coastal seaweeds in colder......
king oyster mushroom, (Pleurotus eryngii), widely cultivated edible mushroom. King oyster mushrooms are native......
Aaron Klug was a Lithuanian-born British chemist who was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his investigations......
Charles Atwood Kofoid was an American zoologist whose collection and classification of many new species of marine......
Laboulbeniales, an order of fungi in the class Laboulbeniomycetes (phylum Ascomycota, kingdom Fungi) that includes......
Laminaria, genus of about 30 species of brown algae (family Laminariaceae) found along the cold-water coasts of......
laver, (genus Porphyra), genus of 60–70 species of marine red algae (family Bangiaceae). Laver grows near the high-water......
leishmania, any of several species of flagellate protists belonging to the genus Leishmania in the order Trypanosomatida.......
Lentinula, a genus of at least six species of wood-dwelling fungi, best known for the edible and medicinal shiitake......
lichen, any of about 15,000 species of plantlike organisms that consist of a symbiotic association of algae (usually......
The fungus kingdom contains more than 99,000 known species distributed throughout the world. Fungi are extremely......
Lycoperdaceae, former family of fungi in the order Agaricales (phylum Basidiomycota, kingdom Fungi), now placed......
Macrocystis, genus of three or four species of brown algae (family Laminariaceae), found in cool, coastal waters......
Marburgvirus, genus of viruses in family Filoviridae, known for causing severe disease in humans and other primates.......
matsutake mushroom, (Tricholoma matsutake), prized edible and medicinal wood-dwelling fungus of the family Tricholomataceae......
microsporidian, any parasitic fungus of the phylum Microsporidia (kingdom Fungi), found mainly in cells of the......
mildew, a conspicuous mass of white threadlike hyphae and fruiting structures produced by various fungi. Mildew......
mold, in biology, a conspicuous mass of mycelium (masses of vegetative filaments, or hyphae) and fruiting structures......
morel, Any of various species of edible mushrooms in the genera Morchella and Verpa. Morels have a convoluted or......
mushroom, the conspicuous umbrella-shaped fruiting body (sporophore) of certain fungi, typically of the order Agaricales......
mycelium, the mass of branched, tubular filaments (hyphae) of fungi. The mycelium makes up the thallus, or undifferentiated......
mycorrhiza, an intimate association between the branched, tubular filaments (hyphae) of a fungus (kingdom Fungi)......
mycosis, in humans and other animals, an infection caused by any fungus that invades the tissues, causing superficial,......
mycotoxin, naturally occurring metabolite produced by certain microfungi (i.e., molds) that is toxic to humans......
Myxomycetes, phylum of funguslike organisms within the kingdom Protista, commonly known as true slime molds. They......
myxosporidian, any parasite of the phylum Myxosporidia, also called Myxospora, traditionally placed in the kingdom......
myxovirus, any of a group of viruses of the families Orthomyxoviridae (agents of influenza) and Paramyxoviridae,......
Nitophyllum, genus of red algae in the family Delesseriaceae, consisting of about 25 marine species distributed......
Noctiluca, genus of marine dinoflagellate in the family Noctilucaceae, consisting of a single species, Noctiluca......
norovirus, (genus Norovirus), genus consisting of one species of virus, known as Norwalk virus (family Caliciviridae),......
Nosema, genus of spore-forming parasitic single-celled organisms, of the phylum Microsporidia, found in host cells......
nummulite, any of the thousands of extinct species of relatively large, lens-shaped foraminifers (single-celled......
oak moss, (Evernia prunastri), species of fruticose (branched, bushy) lichen valued in perfumery for its heavy,......
odontostome, any member of the protistan order Odontostomatida. These small, wedge-shaped, ciliated protozoans......
Oedogonium, genus of filamentous green algae (family Oedogoniaceae), commonly found in quiet bodies of fresh water.......
oidium, in fungi (kingdom Fungi), a single-celled asexual spore (arthrospore) produced by fragmentation of fungal......
oligotrich, any spherical to pear-shaped protozoan of the ciliate order Oligotrichida, found in fresh, salt, and......
Oomycota, phylum of funguslike organisms in the kingdom Chromista. Oomycetes may occur as saprotrophs (living on......
opalinid, (subphylum Opalinata), any of about 150 protozoans found in the intestinal tracts of amphibians and some......
orthomyxovirus, any virus belonging to the family Orthomyxoviridae. Orthomyxoviruses have enveloped virions (virus......
papillomavirus, any of a subgroup of viruses belonging to the family Papillomaviridae that infect birds and mammals,......
papovavirus, any virus in the families Papillomaviridae and Polyomaviridae. Papovaviruses are responsible for a......
Parafusulina, genus of extinct fusulinid foraminiferans (single-celled animals with a hard, complexly constructed......
Paramecium, genus of microscopic, single-celled, and free-living protozoans. Most species can be cultivated easily......
paramyxovirus, any virus belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae. Paramyxoviruses have enveloped virions (virus......
Paraschwagerina, genus of extinct fusulinid foraminiferans (protozoans with a relatively large shell readily preservable......
Parmelia, largest genus of foliose (leafy) lichens, which includes among its members the species commonly known......
parvovirus, any virus belonging to the family Parvoviridae. Parvoviruses have small nonenveloped virions (virus......
Pediastrum, genus of colonial green algae (family Hydrodictyaceae), comprising part of the freshwater plankton.......
Pelagophycus, genus of brown algae and type of kelp in the family Laminariaceae (sometimes placed in family Lessoniaceae),......
Penicillium, genus of blue or green mold fungi (kingdom Fungi) that exists as asexual forms (anamorphs, or deuteromycetes).......
Penicillium chrysogenum, species of fungus in the genus Penicillium (kingdom Fungi) that occurs across a variety......