Life Cycle, Processes & Properties, LUB-MOR
None of us are born looking exactly the way that we do today; this is because humans, like other species, undergo a series of changes as they mature and age, in accordance with their biological life cycle. This process can look very different across different species. In many simple organisms and in higher animals, the life cycle is completed within a single generation, while in most plants, the life cycle is multigenerational.
Life Cycle, Processes & Properties Encyclopedia Articles By Title
John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury was a banker, influential Liberal-Unionist politician, and naturalist who successfully......
lucid dreaming, phenomenon of sleep in which one is aware that one is dreaming. During lucid dreaming, individuals......
lumbago, pain in the lower (lumbar) portion of the back. Lumbago is considered by health professionals to be an......
lung cancer, disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs. Lung cancer was first described......
lung congestion, distention of blood vessels in the lungs and filling of the alveoli with blood as a result of......
lung infarction, death of one or more sections of lung tissue due to deprivation of an adequate blood supply. The......
lung plague, an acute bacterial disease producing pneumonia and inflammation of lung membranes in cattle, buffalo,......
lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disorder that causes chronic inflammation in various parts of the body. Three......
lycanthropy, (from Greek lykos, “wolf ”; anthropos, “man”), mental disorder in which the patient believes that......
Lyme disease, tick-borne bacterial disease that was first conclusively identified in 1975 and is named for the......
lymphangitis, bacterial infection of the lymphatic vessels. The condition is caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus......
lymphedema, an abnormal condition in which poor function of the lymphatic system allows fluid to build up in the......
lymphocytic choriomeningitis, inflammation of the meninges (membranes covering the central nervous system) and......
lymphogranuloma venereum, infection of lymph vessels and lymph nodes by the microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis.......
lymphoma, any of a group of malignant diseases of the lymphatic system, usually starting in the lymph nodes or......
lysogeny, type of life cycle that takes place when a bacteriophage infects certain types of bacteria. In this process,......
Machiavellianism, the political theory of the Italian statesman and writer Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527), as......
macroglossia, enlargement of the tongue, due to overdevelopment of the muscle or the accumulation of material within......
macula lutea, in anatomy, the small yellowish area of the retina near the optic disk that provides central vision.......
macular degeneration, group of blinding disorders that cause the gradual deterioration of the retina in the eye.......
maggot, soft-bodied grub that is the larva of many dipterous flies. About half of fly species produce larvae that......
magnesium deficiency, condition in which magnesium is insufficient or is not utilized properly. Magnesium is a......
major depressive disorder, mental disorder characterized by persistent hopelessness, disinterest in and lack of......
Pollination is essential to the perpetuation of the vast majority of the world’s wild plants—and thus the perpetuation......
malaria, serious relapsing infection in humans, characterized by periodic attacks of chills and fever, anemia,......
malformation, in biology, irregular or abnormal structural development. Malformations occur in both plants and......
malnutrition, physical condition resulting either from a faulty or inadequate diet (i.e., a diet that does not......
mandibulofacial dysostosis, a rare, genetic disorder, inherited as an autosomal-dominant trait and characterized......
mange, skin disease of animals caused by mite infestations, characterized by inflammation, itching, thickening......
mania, in psychiatric terminology, any abnormal or unusual state of excitement, as in the manic phase of bipolar...
maple syrup urine disease, inherited metabolic disorder involving leucine, isoleucine, and valine (a group of branch......
marasmus, a form of protein-energy malnutrition occurring chiefly from inadequate intake of both protein and calories.......
marble bone disease, rare disorder in which the bones become extremely dense, hard, and brittle. The disease progresses......
Marek’s disease, highly contagious, often fatal malignancy of chickens that affects the nerves and visceral organs......
Marfan syndrome, rare hereditary connective tissue disorder that affects most notably the skeleton, heart, and......
marine bioluminescence, heatless light generated chemically by marine organisms. Bioluminescence is exhibited by......
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome, uncommon hereditary metabolic disease characterized by dwarfism, hearing loss, and progressive......
masochism, psychosexual disorder in which erotic release is achieved through having pain inflicted on oneself.......
mast seeding, the production of many seeds by a plant every two or more years in regional synchrony with other......
mastitis, inflammation of the breast in women or of the udder in sheep, swine, and cattle. Acute mastitis in women......
mastoiditis, inflammation of the mastoid process, a projection of the temporal bone just behind the ear. Mastoiditis,......
maternal imagination, idea that maternal thoughts during pregnancy are transmitted directly to the developing fetus,......
McArdle disease, rare hereditary deficiency of the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase in muscle cells. In the absence......
Dame Anne McLaren was an English geneticist who pioneered fundamental advances in mammalian genetics and embryology......
measles, contagious viral disease marked by fever, cough, conjunctivitis, and a characteristic rash. Measles is......
measuring worm, (family Geometridae), the larva of any of a large group of moths in the order Lepidoptera. Because......
mechanoreception, ability of an animal to detect and respond to certain kinds of stimuli—notably touch, sound,......
mediastinal emphysema, pocket of air surrounding the heart and central blood vessels contained within the mediastinum......
mediastinitis, inflammation of the tissue around the heart, aortic artery, and entrance (hilum) to the lungs, located......
medicinal poisoning, harmful effects on health of certain therapeutic drugs, resulting either from overdose or......
medullary thyroid carcinoma, tumour of the parafollicular cells (C cells) of the thyroid gland. It occurs both......
megacolon, massive enlargement and dilation of the large intestine (colon). The two main types of the syndrome......
meiosis, division of a germ cell involving two fissions of the nucleus and giving rise to four gametes, or sex......
melancholia, formerly the psychological condition known as depression. The term now refers to extreme features......
melanin, a dark biological pigment (biochrome) occurring in the skin, hair, feathers, scales, eyes, and some internal......
melanoma, a spreading and frequently recurring cancer of melanocytes, specialized skin cells that produce the protective......
melioidosis, a bacterial infection in humans and animals caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei (Pseudomonas pseudomallei).......
melorheostosis, rare disorder of unknown cause in which cortical bone overgrowth occurs along the main axis of......
memory disorder, any of various conditions, including certain diseases, that affect the ability to remember. Disorders......
meningitis, inflammation of the meninges, the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused......
menopause, permanent cessation of menstruation that results from the loss of ovarian function and therefore represents......
mental disorder, any illness with significant psychological or behavioral manifestations that is associated with......
- Introduction
- Anxiety, Depression, PTSD
- Genetics, Environment, Stress
- Personality Development, Trauma, Genetics
- Behavioral Etiology
- Schizophrenia, Symptoms, Treatment
- Mood Disorders, Symptoms, Treatment
- Anxiety, Panic, Phobias
- Dissociation, Amnesia, Identity
- Borderline, Symptoms, Treatment
- Eating Disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia
- Therapy, Medication, Support
- Psychotherapy, Treatment, Causes
- Deinstitutionalization, Treatment, Causes
- Antipsychotics, Treatment, Medication
- Psychotherapy, Treatment, Recovery
- Behavioral Psychotherapy
- Group Psychotherapy
mercury poisoning, harmful effects of various mercury compounds on body tissues and functions. Certain modern industrial......
MERS, acute viral respiratory illness that is characterized primarily by cough, fever, and shortness of breath......
mesoderm, the middle of the three germ layers, or masses of cells (lying between the ectoderm and endoderm), which......
mesothelioma, tumour that arises from the sheet of cells known as the mesothelium, which lines body cavities and......
Olivier Messiaen was an influential French composer, organist, and teacher noted for his use of mystical and religious......
metabolic bone disease, any of several diseases that cause various abnormalities or deformities of bone. Examples......
metabolic disease, any of the diseases or disorders that disrupt normal metabolism, the process of converting food......
metabolic syndrome, syndrome characterized by a cluster of metabolic abnormalities associated with an increased......
metabolism, the sum of the chemical reactions that take place within each cell of a living organism and that provide......
- Introduction
- Enzymes, ATP, Reactions
- Incomplete Oxidation, Energy Production, Enzymes
- Pathways, Enzymes, Reactions
- Fragmentation, Complex Molecules, Enzymes
- ATP Formation, Enzymes, Energy
- Catabolism, Sugars, Glucose
- Fatty Acids, Energy, Reactions
- Nitrogen Disposal, Urea Cycle, Ammonia
- Tricarboxylic Acid, TCA Cycle, Enzymes
- Energy, Transduction, Biological
- ATP Synthesis, Mitochondria, Energy
- Anaplerosis, Reactions, Pathways
- Synthesis, Building Blocks, Energy
- Fatty Acids, Enzymes, Reactions
- Mononucleotides, Enzymes, Reactions
- Synthesis, Macromolecules, Enzymes
- DNA Synthesis, Enzymes, Energy
- End Product, Inhibition, Regulation
- Energy, Cells, Processes
metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), rare inherited metabolic disease in which the lack of a key enzyme causes loss......
metamorphosis, in biology, striking change of form or structure in an individual after hatching or birth. Hormones......
metaphase, in mitosis and meiosis, the stage of cell division characterized by the alignment of the chromosomes......
metaplasia, in zoology, the conversion of one type of living cell or group of cells into another as a means of......
metastasis, migration and spread of cancerous cells from a tumour to distant sites in the body, resulting in the......
metatarsalgia, persistent pain in the metatarsal region, or ball, of the foot. The condition arises when the weight......
methemoglobinemia, decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) due to the presence......
methylation, the transfer of a methyl group (―CH3) to an organic compound. Methyl groups may be transferred through......
microcephaly, congenital condition in which an infant’s head is smaller than the typical size for its age and sex.......
middle age, period of human adulthood that immediately precedes the onset of old age. Though the age period that......
midget, in human anatomy, a person of very small stature whose bodily proportions, intelligence, and sexual development......
migraine, condition characterized by painful recurring headaches, sometimes with nausea and vomiting. Migraine......
miliaria, an inflammatory disorder of human skin, characterized by multiple small lesions at the site of sweat......
milk leg, inflammation of the femoral vein, the principal vein of the thigh, with formation of a clot that blocks......
mimicry, in biology, phenomenon characterized by the superficial resemblance of two or more organisms that are......
Minamata disease, Disease first identified in 1956 in Minamata, Japan. A fishing port, Minamata was also the home......
miscarriage, spontaneous expulsion of the embryo or fetus from the uterus before the 20th week of pregnancy, prior......
misophonia, disorder marked by low tolerance of and unusually strong negative physiological, emotional, and behavioral......
mitochondrial disease, any of several hundred hereditary conditions that result from a functional failure of the......
mitosis, a process of cell duplication, or reproduction, during which one cell gives rise to two genetically identical......
mitral insufficiency, inability of the mitral valve to prevent the flow of blood back from the left ventricle,......
mitral stenosis, narrowing of the mitral valve, the function of which is to permit blood to flow from the atrium,......
mole, in dermatology, pigmented, flat or fleshy skin lesion, composed for the most part of an aggregation of melanocytes,......
molt, biological process of molting (moulting)—i.e., the shedding or casting off of an outer layer or covering......
monoclonal antibody, antibody produced artificially through genetic engineering and related techniques. Production......
mononucleosis, infection in humans, caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), whose most common symptoms are fever,......
monster, in biology, an embryo, a newborn animal, or young plant that is grossly deformed. The defects may be genetic......
Moon Shin Yong is a South Korean obstetrician who was involved in human-cloning research that was later discovered......
moral panic, phrase used in sociology to describe an artificially created panic or scare. Researchers, often influenced......