Life Cycle, Processes & Properties, PSY-SCA
None of us are born looking exactly the way that we do today; this is because humans, like other species, undergo a series of changes as they mature and age, in accordance with their biological life cycle. This process can look very different across different species. In many simple organisms and in higher animals, the life cycle is completed within a single generation, while in most plants, the life cycle is multigenerational.
Life Cycle, Processes & Properties Encyclopedia Articles By Title
psychosis, any of several major mental illnesses that can cause delusions, hallucinations, serious defects in judgment......
psychosomatic disorder, condition in which symptoms of physical (somatic) illness or disease are worsened by mental......
pterygium, abnormal wing-shaped fold of the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane lining the eyelids and covering most......
ptosis, drooping of the upper eyelid. The condition may be congenital or acquired and can cause significant obscuration......
puberty, in human physiology, the stage or period of life when a child transforms into an adult normally capable......
puerperal fever, infection of some part of the female reproductive organs following childbirth or abortion. Cases......
puerperium, the period of adjustment after childbirth during which the mother’s reproductive system returns to......
pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, respiratory disorder caused by the filling of large groups of alveoli with excessive......
pulmonary circulation, system of blood vessels that forms a closed circuit between the heart and the lungs, as......
pulmonary edema, buildup of excess fluid in the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs. Alveoli are the sites of oxygen......
pulmonary embolism, obstruction of a pulmonary artery or one of its branches. The pulmonary arteries carry blood......
pulmonary fibrosis, end result of a variety of inflammatory diseases of the lungs in which dense fibrous connective......
pulmonary stenosis, narrowing of either the pulmonary valve—the valve through which blood flows from the right......
pupa, life stage in the development of insects exhibiting complete metamorphosis that occurs between the larval......
pupil, in the anatomy of the eye, the black centre opening within the iris through which light passes before reaching......
Jan Evangelista Purkinje was a pioneer Czech experimental physiologist whose investigations in the fields of histology,......
purpura, presence of small hemorrhages in the skin, often associated with bleeding from body cavities and in tissues.......
pus, thick, opaque, usually yellowish white fluid matter formed in association with inflammation caused by the......
pustule, a small circumscribed elevation of the skin that is filled with pus, a fluid mixture containing necrotic......
pyelonephritis, infection and inflammation of the kidney tissue and the renal pelvis (the cavity formed by the......
pyothorax, presence of pus in the pleural cavity, between the membrane lining the thoracic cage and the membrane......
pyromania, impulse-control disorder characterized by the recurrent compulsion to set fires. The term refers only......
Q fever, acute self-limited systemic disease caused by the rickettsia Coxiella burnetii. Q fever spreads rapidly......
quinsy, pus-filled swelling in the throat that develops infrequently as a complication of acute tonsillitis. It......
rabies, acute, ordinarily fatal, viral disease of the central nervous system that is usually spread among domestic......
radiation injury, tissue damage or changes caused by exposure to ionizing radiation—namely, gamma rays, X-rays,......
radula, horny, ribbonlike structure found in the mouths of all mollusks except the bivalves. The radula, part of......
rat-bite fever, relapsing type of infection in which the causative bacteria are transmitted to humans by the bite......
Martin H. Rathke was a German anatomist who first described the gill slits and gill arches in the embryos of mammals......
Raynaud syndrome, condition occurring primarily in young women that is characterized by spasms in the arteries......
reactive arthritis, disorder characterized primarily by joint pain that also sometimes affects the eyes, urogenital......
reactive attachment disorder, rare condition in which infants and young children fail to form emotional bonds with......
reagin, type of antibody found in the serum and skin of allergically hypersensitive persons and in smaller amounts......
receptor, molecule, generally a protein, that receives signals for a cell. Small molecules, such as hormones outside......
rectocele, disorder in which the rectum bulges into the back wall of the vagina. It is caused when the muscles......
Francesco Redi was an Italian physician and poet who demonstrated that the presence of maggots in putrefying meat......
regeneration, in biology, the process by which some organisms replace or restore lost or amputated body parts.......
rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), a feeling of severe emotional pain in response to rejection, criticism, or......
relapsing fever, infectious disease characterized by recurring episodes of fever separated by periods of relative......
REM sleep, one of two phases in the sleep cycle, in which a person experiences dreams, atonia (reduced muscle tone),......
Robert Remak was a German embryologist and neurologist who discovered and named (1842) the three germ layers of......
renal carcinoma, malignant tumour affecting the epithelial (covering and lining) cells of the kidney. Most renal......
renal cell carcinoma, a disease arising from malignant epithelial cells in the kidneys. Renal cell carcinoma is......
renal cyst, cyst in the kidney. A cyst is an enclosed sac or pouch that usually contains liquid or semisolid material.......
renal osteodystrophy, chronic, probably hereditary disorder characterized by kidney dysfunction, bone-mineral loss......
renal system disease, any of the diseases or disorders that affect the human urinary system. They include benign......
repetitive strain injury (RSI), any of a broad range of conditions affecting muscles, tendons, tendon sheaths,......
reproduction, process by which organisms replicate themselves. In a general sense reproduction is one of the most......
reproductive behaviour, any activity directed toward perpetuation of a species. The enormous range of animal reproductive......
- Introduction
- Hormones, Courtship, Mating
- Courtship, Mating, Parenting
- Protective Adaptations
- Group Care, Parental Investment, Social Structure
- Invertebrates, Mating, Courtship
- Mollusks, Courtship, Spawning
- Insects, Courtship, Mating
- Courtship, Mating, Parenting
- Courtship, Nesting, Mating
- Evolution, Animals, Mating
reproductive system disease, any of the diseases and disorders that affect the human reproductive system. They......
- Introduction
- Infertility, Endometriosis, PCOS
- Intersexuality, Hormones, Disorders
- Precocious Puberty, Hormone Imbalance, Endocrine Disorders
- Menorrhagia, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids
- Impotence, Infertility, Endocrine Disorders
- Syphilis, STD, Bacteria
- Genital Herpes, Symptoms, Treatment
- Genital Warts, HPV, Symptoms
- Trichomoniasis, Symptoms, Treatment
- Infections, Symptoms, Treatments
- Tumours, Diagnosis, Treatment
- Testicular Cancer
- Uterine Fibroids, Symptoms, Treatment
respiratory disease, any of the diseases and disorders of the airways and the lungs that affect human respiration.......
- Introduction
- Immunity, Pathogens, Defense
- Morphology, Pathology, Diagnosis
- Asthma, COPD, Pneumonia
- Legionnaires, Bacteria, Symptoms
- Asthma, Symptoms, Treatment
- Bronchi, Acute, Symptoms
- Chronic Bronchitis, Symptoms, Treatment
- Lung Cancer, Symptoms, Treatment
- Occupational Lung, Prevention, Treatment
- Industrial Chemicals, Toxicity, Symptoms
- Circulation, Symptoms, Treatment
respiratory distress syndrome of newborns, a common complication in infants, especially in premature newborns,......
human respiratory system, the system in humans that takes up oxygen and expels carbon dioxide. The human gas-exchanging......
- Introduction
- Pharynx, Airways, Lungs
- Trachea, Stem Bronchi
- Lungs, Airways, Oxygen
- Blood Vessels, Lymphatic Vessels, Nerves
- Control, Lungs, Airway
- Chemoreceptors, Lungs, Airways
- Lung Receptors, Muscle Receptors, Ventilation
- Mechanics, Lungs, Airways
- Lungs, Airways, Oxygen
- Oxygen Transport, Lungs, Airways
- Gas Exchange, Lungs, Airways
- Abnormal Gas Exchange
- Circulation, Metabolism, Oxygen
- Adaptations, Lungs, Airways
- Swimming, Diving, Lungs
restless legs syndrome, condition characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs that usually appears......
retina, layer of nervous tissue that covers the inside of the back two-thirds of the eyeball, in which stimulation......
retinitis pigmentosa, group of hereditary eye diseases in which progressive degeneration of the retina leads to......
retinopathy of prematurity, disease in which retinal blood vessels develop abnormally in the eyes of premature......
Rett syndrome, rare progressive neurological disorder characterized by severe intellectual disability, autism-like......
Reye syndrome, acute neurologic disease that develops primarily in children following influenza, chicken pox, or......
rhabdom, transparent, crystalline receptive structure found in the compound eyes of arthropods. The rhabdom lies......
rheumatic fever, inflammatory disease of the heart, joints, central nervous system, and subcutaneous tissues that......
rheumatism, any of several disorders that have in common inflammation of the connective tissues, especially the......
rheumatoid arthritis, chronic, frequently progressive disease in which inflammatory changes occur throughout the......
rhinitis, generic term for inflammation of the mucous tissue of the nose. Rhinitis may be allergic in origin and......
rhinophyma, extensive overgrowth of the lower part of the nose. The sebaceous (oil-producing) glands seem to be......
rhizome, horizontal underground plant stem capable of producing the shoot and root systems of a new plant. Rhizomes......
rhodopsin, pigment-containing sensory protein that converts light into an electrical signal. Rhodopsin is found......
riboflavin, a yellow, water-soluble organic compound that occurs abundantly in whey (the watery part of milk) and......
rice bacterial blight, deadly bacterial disease that is among the most destructive afflictions of cultivated rice......
rickets, disease of infancy and childhood characterized by softening of the bones, leading to abnormal bone growth......
Riedel thyroiditis, extremely rare form of chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland, in which the glandular tissues......
Rift Valley fever, viral infection of animals that is transmissible to humans and is caused by a type of Phlebovirus......
rigor mortis, physiological process that occurs within hours after death, wherein muscle tissue stiffens. Rigor......
Riley-Day syndrome, an inherited disorder occurring almost exclusively in Ashkenazic Jews that is caused by abnormal......
rinderpest, an acute, highly contagious viral disease of ruminant animals, primarily cattle, that was once common......
ringworm, superficial skin lesions caused by a highly specialized group of fungi called dermatophytes that live......
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, form of tick-borne typhus first described in the Rocky Mountain section of the United......
rod, one of two types of photoreceptive cells in the retina of the eye in vertebrate animals. Rod cells function......
Alfred Sherwood Romer was a U.S. paleontologist widely known for his concepts of evolutionary history of vertebrate......
roseola infantum, infectious disease of early childhood marked by rapidly developing high fever (to 106° F) lasting......
rot, any of several plant diseases, caused by any of hundreds of species of soil-borne bacteria, fungi, and funguslike......
rotational stress, physiological changes that occur in the body when it is subjected to intense gyrational or centrifugal......
Wilhelm Roux was a German zoologist whose attempts to discover how organs and tissues are assigned their structural......
rubella, contagious viral disease that runs a mild and benign course in most people. Although rubella is not usually......
rust, plant disease caused by more than 7,000 species of fungi of the phylum Basidiomycota. Rust affects many economically......
saccade, fast, intermittent eye movement that redirects gaze. Saccades may involve the eyes alone or, more commonly,......
sadism, psychosexual disorder in which sexual urges are gratified by the infliction of pain on another person.......
sadomasochism, deriving pleasure, often of a sexual nature, from the infliction of physical or psychological pain......
saliva, a thick, colourless, opalescent fluid that is constantly present in the mouth of humans and other vertebrates.......
salivary gland, any of the organs that secrete saliva, a substance that moistens and softens food, into the oral......
salmonellosis, any of several bacterial infections caused by certain species of Salmonella, important as the cause......
Sanfilippo’s syndrome, rare hereditary (autosomal recessive) metabolic disease characterized by severe mental retardation.......
sarcoidosis, systemic disease that is characterized by the formation of granulomas (small grainy lumps) in affected......
sarcoma, tumour of connective tissue (tissue that is formed from mesodermal, or mesenchymal, cells). Sarcomas are......
sarin, synthetic organophosphate compound that is highly toxic to the nervous system. Exposure to sarin—which is......
SARS, highly contagious respiratory illness characterized by a persistent fever, headache, and bodily discomfort,......
satiety, desire to limit further food intake, as after completing a satisfying meal. The hypothalamus, part of......
scab, in pathology, secondary skin lesion composed of dried serum, blood, or pus. See...
scab, in botany, any of several bacterial or fungal plant diseases characterized by crustaceous lesions on fruits,......
scabies, skin inflammation accompanied by severe itching, particularly at night, caused by the itch mite (Sarcoptes......