Life Cycle, Processes & Properties, HEM-INF

None of us are born looking exactly the way that we do today; this is because humans, like other species, undergo a series of changes as they mature and age, in accordance with their biological life cycle. This process can look very different across different species. In many simple organisms and in higher animals, the life cycle is completed within a single generation, while in most plants, the life cycle is multigenerational.
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Life Cycle, Processes & Properties Encyclopedia Articles By Title

hemoglobinopathy, any of a group of disorders caused by the presence of variant hemoglobin in the red blood cells.......
hemophilia, hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of a substance necessary for blood clotting (coagulation).......
hemorrhage, Escape of blood from blood vessels into surrounding tissue. When a vessel is injured, hemorrhage continues......
hemorrhoid, mass formed by distension of the network of veins under the mucous membrane that lines the anal channel......
hemothorax, collection of a bloody fluid in the pleural cavity, between the membrane lining the thoracic cage and......
hepatitis, inflammation of the liver that results from a variety of causes, both infectious and noninfectious.......
hepatitis B
hepatitis B, infectious disease of the liver, the causative agent of which is known as hepatitis B virus (HBV).......
hepatitis C
hepatitis C, infectious disease of the liver, the causative agent of which is known as hepatitis C virus (HCV).......
herbivore, animal adapted to subsist solely on plant tissues. The herbivores range from insects (such as aphids)......
herd immunity
herd immunity, state in which a large proportion of a population is able to repel an infectious disease, thereby......
hereditary spherocytosis
hereditary spherocytosis, congenital blood disorder characterized by an enlarged spleen, spherical (rather than......
hermaphroditism, the condition of having both male and female reproductive organs. Hermaphroditic plants—most flowering......
hernia, protrusion of an organ or tissue from its normal cavity. The protrusion may extend outside the body or......
herniated disk
herniated disk, displacement of part of the rubbery centre, or nucleus, of a cartilaginous disk from between the......
heroin, highly addictive morphine derivative that makes up a large portion of the illicit traffic in narcotics.......
herpangina, mild viral infection with sudden onset that is caused by several types of enteroviruses and seen most......
herpes simplex
herpes simplex, infection of either the skin or the genitalia caused by either of two strains of herpes simplex......
herpes zoster
herpes zoster, acute viral infection affecting the skin and nerves, characterized by groups of small blisters appearing......
Hers’ disease
Hers’ disease, hereditary deficiency of the liver enzyme glycogen phosphorylase, which governs the metabolic breakdown......
Hertwig, Oskar
Oskar Hertwig was a German embryologist and cytologist who was the first to recognize that the fusion of the nuclei......
heterospecific mating
heterospecific mating, mating in which the man and woman have incompatible blood types, such that the woman may......
hibernation, a state of greatly reduced metabolic activity and lowered body temperature adopted by certain mammals......
hiccup, spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm (the muscular partition separating the chest cavity from the abdominal......
high-risk pregnancy
high-risk pregnancy, pregnancy in which the mother, the fetus, or the newborn has an elevated risk of experiencing......
hikikomori, condition in which a person is socially avoidant to the point of staying isolated at home for at least......
hip dysplasia
hip dysplasia, in dogs, abnormal development of the hip joint on one or both sides of the body, occurring primarily......
hip fracture
hip fracture, in pathology, a break in the proximal (upper) end of the femur. Hip fracture can occur at any age.......
His, Wilhelm
Wilhelm His was a Swiss-born German anatomist and embryologist who created the science of histogenesis, or the......
histogenesis, series of organized, integrated processes by which cells of the primary germ layers of an embryo......
histoplasmosis, infection with the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, occurring in humans and other animals. The disease......
hives, a hypersensitive skin reaction characterized by the sudden appearance of very itchy, slightly raised, smooth,......
Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma, an uncommon cancer of the lymphatic system (malignant lymphoma) that usually strikes young adults......
hog cholera
hog cholera, serious and often fatal viral disease of swine. Characterized by high fever and exhaustion, the disease......
homeostasis, any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting......
homocystinuria, hereditary metabolic disorder involving methionine, a sulfur-containing essential amino acid. The......
hookworm disease
hookworm disease, parasitic infestation of humans, dogs, or cats caused by bloodsucking worms living in the small......
human aging
human aging, physiological changes that take place in the human body leading to senescence, the decline of biological......
human development
human development, the process of growth and change that takes place between birth and maturity. Human growth is......
human leukocyte antigen
human leukocyte antigen (HLA), any of the numerous antigens (substances capable of stimulating an immune response)......
Hunter’s syndrome
Hunter’s syndrome, rare sex-linked hereditary disorder that varies widely in its severity but is generally characterized......
Huntington disease
Huntington disease , a relatively rare, and invariably fatal, hereditary neurological disease that is characterized......
Hurler’s syndrome
Hurler’s syndrome, one of several rare genetic disorders involving a defect in the metabolism of mucopolysaccharides,......
Huxley, Sir Julian
Sir Julian Huxley was an English biologist, philosopher, educator, and author who greatly influenced the modern......
Hwang Woo-Suk
Hwang Woo-Suk is a South Korean scientist whose revolutionary claims of having cloned human embryos from which......
hydatidiform mole
hydatidiform mole, in human pregnancy, abnormal growth of the chorion, the outermost vascular membrane that in......
hydramnios, excess of amniotic fluid, the liquid that surrounds the fetus in the uterus. Chronic hydramnios, in......
hydrocele, excessive accumulation of fluids in the scrotal sac that surrounds the testes in the male reproductive......
hydrocephalus, accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles, or cavities, of the brain, causing......
What is hyperaldosteronism? Hyperaldosteronism is the increased secretion of the hormone aldosterone by the adrenal......
hyperammonemia, disorder due to excessive amounts of ammonia in the blood caused by a genetic defect present at......
hypercalcitoninemia, abnormally high blood concentrations of calcitonin, a protein hormone secreted by parafollicular......
hyperglycemia, elevation of blood glucose concentrations above the normal range; it is the laboratory finding that......
hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating, either general or local. A person may sweat profusely in armpits and on palms,......
hyperkeratosis, in cattle, a disease characterized by inflammation and thickening of the horny covering of the......
hyperopia, refractive error or abnormality in which the cornea and lens of the eye focus the image of the visual......
hyperparathyroidism, abnormal increase in the secretion of parathormone by one or more parathyroid glands. Hyperparathyroidism......
hypertension, condition that arises when the blood pressure is abnormally high. Hypertension occurs when the body’s......
hyperthelia, abnormal presence of accessory nipples, a condition of relatively frequent occurrence (1 percent of......
hyperthyroidism, excess production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. Most patients with hyperthyroidism......
hypertrichosis, excessive abnormal hairiness that may be localized or cover the entire body. Hypertrichosis is......
hypoaldosteronism, abnormally low serum levels of aldosterone, a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal gland.......
hypoglycemia, reduction of the concentration of glucose in the blood below normal levels, commonly occurring as......
hypogonadism, in men, decreased testicular function that results in testosterone deficiency and infertility. Hypogonadism......
hypoparathyroidism, inadequate secretion of parathormone. Hypoparathyroidism can be due to decreased secretion......
hypophosphatasia, rare hereditary disorder characterized by very low levels of tissue and serum alkaline phosphatase......
hypophosphatemia, reduction in the concentration of phosphate in the blood serum, thus disrupting the body’s energy......
hypopituitarism, deficiency of pituitary hormones caused by damage to the pituitary gland. Patients may have a......
hypoprothrombinemia, disease characterized by a deficiency of the blood-clotting substance prothrombin, resulting......
hypotension, condition in which the blood pressure is abnormally low, either because of reduced blood volume or......
hypothermia, abnormally low body temperature in a warm-blooded creature, associated with a general slowing of physiologic......
hypothyroidism, a deficiency in hormone production by the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism usually results from a......
hypoxia, in biology and medicine, condition of the body in which the tissues are starved of oxygen. In its extreme......
hystero-epilepsy, hysterical seizures that resemble epilepsy and, in diagnosis, must be distinguished from it.......
ich, parasitic disease that affects a variety of freshwater fish species and that is caused by the ciliated protozoan......
ichthyosis, a hereditary condition involving dryness and scaliness of the skin brought about by excessive growth......
ileitis, chronic inflammation of one or more sections of the intestine. In its strict sense, the term refers to......
iliotibial band syndrome
iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), inflammation of the band of fibrous tissue known as the iliotibial band (or tract),......
illness anxiety disorder
illness anxiety disorder, mental disorder characterized by an excessive preoccupation with illness and a tendency......
iminoglycinuria, inborn impairment of the transport system of the kidney tubules, which normally reabsorb the amino......
immersion foot
immersion foot, a painful disorder of the foot involving damage to the skin, nerves, and muscle that is caused......
immunization, process by which resistance to disease is acquired or induced in plants and animals. This discussion......
immunodeficiency, defect in immunity that impairs the body’s ability to resist infection. The immune system may......
impact injury
impact injury, the damage caused by the collision of a body with a moving or stationary object. Impact injuries......
impetigo, inflammatory skin infection that begins as a superficial blister or pustule that then ruptures and gives......
implantation, in reproduction physiology, the adherence of a fertilized egg to a surface in the reproductive tract,......
imposter syndrome
imposter syndrome, a persistent unjustified feeling that one’s success is fraudulent. Imposter syndrome is characterized......
impotence, in general, the inability of a man to achieve or maintain penile erection and hence the inability to......
inborn error of metabolism
inborn error of metabolism, any of multiple rare disorders that are caused by an inherited genetic defect and that......
incidence, in epidemiology, occurrence of new cases of disease, injury, or other medical conditions over a specified......
incontinence, inability to control the excretion of urine or feces. Starting and stopping urination relies on normal......
index case
index case, in public health, the first case of a disease or other condition that is noticed by health authorities.......
indigestion, any or all of the symptoms—abdominal discomfort, belching, flatulence, aversion to eating, nausea,......
induction, in embryology, process by which the presence of one tissue influences the development of others. Certain......
industrial melanism
industrial melanism, the darkness—of the skin, feathers, or fur—acquired by a population of animals living in an......
infancy, among humans, the period of life between birth and the acquisition of language approximately one to two......
infant and toddler development
infant and toddler development, the physical, emotional, behavioral, and mental growth of children from ages 0......
infantile hemangioma
infantile hemangioma, a congenital benign tumour made up of endothelial cells (the cells lining the inner surface......

Life Cycle, Processes & Properties Encyclopedia Articles By Title