Aaron Brown
Aaron Brown
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Website : MSUDenver Faculty Page

Associated with The Nexus (Text Edition), part of Encyclopaedia Britannica's Publishing Partner Program.

Aaron Brown is an assistant professor at Metropolitan State University of Denver in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology. He previously worked in the aerospace industry on such projects as the Mars Science Laboratory (a.k.a., "Curiosity") Descent Brake, Hubble Robotics Mission, and Global Precipitation Measurement Device Project (GMI). He is currently developing coursework in the realm of Humanitarian Engineering and a PhD candidate in the study of sustainable community development. Previous to his engineering and academic career, Aaron Brown raced bicycles professionally and claims to have been “the worst pro in America.”

Primary Contributions (2)
Humanitarian engineering, the application of engineering to improving the well-being of marginalized people and disadvantaged communities, usually in the developing world. Humanitarian engineering typically focuses on programs that are affordable, sustainable, and based on local resources. Projects…