Genny Beemyn
Website : The Stonewall Center
Director, Stonewall Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Author of A Queer Capital: A History of Gay Life in Washington, D.C. and others. Genny Beemyn's contributions to Britannica are derived from contributions to SAGE Publications's Encyclopedia of Gender and Society (2009).
Primary Contributions (1)

Genderqueer, identity adopted by individuals who characterize themselves as neither female nor male, as both, or as somewhere in between. The term was coined in the 1990s. Although genderqueer individuals describe and express their identities differently and may or may not consider themselves to be…
Publications (4)

A Queer Capital: A History of Gay Life in Washington D.C. (July 2014)
Rooted in extensive archival research and personal interviews, A Queer Capital is the first history of LGBT life in the nation’s capital. Revealing a vibrant past that dates back more than 125 years, the book explores how lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals established spaces of their own before and after World War II, survived some of the harshest anti-gay campaigns in the U.S., and organized to demand equal treatment. Telling the stories of black and white gay communities and individuals, Genny Beemyn...

The Lives of Transgender People (November 2011)
Responding to a critical need for greater perspectives on transgender life in the United States, Genny Beemyn and Susan (Sue) Rankin apply their extensive expertise to a groundbreaking surveyone of the largest ever conducted in the U.S.on gender development and identity-making among transsexual women, transsexual men, crossdressers, and genderqueer individuals. With nearly 3,500 participants, the survey is remarkably diverse, and with more than 400 follow-up interviews, the data offers limitless...

Encyclopedia of Gender and Society (2 Vol. Set) (November 2008)
2009 RUSA Outstanding ReferenceCHOICE Outstanding Academic Title for 2009"Given both the interdisciplinarity of the field of gender scholarship and the immense significance of gender to both indviduals and societies, it is probably impossible to produce such a compendium. The editor, advisory team, and contributors are to be credited for tackling a project of such immense scope…O′Brien′s commitment to the possibility of a more-informed discourse on the highly complex and nuanced...

Creating a Place For Ourselves: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community Histories (April 1997)
Creating a Place For Ourselves is a groundbreaking collection of essays that examines gay life in the United States before Stonewall and the gay liberation movement. Along with examining areas with large gay communities such as New York, San Francisco and Fire Island, the contributors also consider the thriving gay populations in cities like Detroit, Buffalo, Washington, D.C., Birmingham and Flint, demonstrating that gay communities are truly everywhere.Contributors: Brett Beemyn, Nan Alamilla...