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James A. Desveaux

James Desveaux is Associate Director of the Center for American Politics and Public Policy at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Director of Washington Programs for UCLA, and a member of the UCLA Department of Political Science. He is an expert in organization theory, public administration, and public policy. His principal focus is on the connection between organizational design and decision making capacity.

Primary Contributions (1)
Adhocracy, an organizational design whose structure is highly flexible, loosely coupled, and amenable to frequent change. Adhocracy arises out of the need of formal organizations to be able to recognize, understand, and solve problems in highly complex and turbulent environments. The concept is of…
Publications (1)
Encyclopedia of Governance - 2 volume set
Encyclopedia of Governance - 2 volume set (December 2006)
The Encyclopedia of Governance provides a one-stop point of reference for the diverse and complex topics surrounding governance for the period between the collapse of the post-war consensus and the rise of neoliberal regimes in the 1970s. This comprehensive resource concentrates primarily on topics related to the changing nature and role of the state in recent times and the ways in which these roles have been conceptualized in the areas of Political Science, Public Administration, Political Economy,...