Laurie Vitt
Website : Laurie J. Vitt at the Sam Noble Museum
George Lynn Cross Research Professor and Curator Emeritus, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History at the University of Oklahoma. Coauthor of Herpetology and others.
Primary Contributions (14)

Chameleon, (family Chamaeleonidae), any of a group of primarily arboreal (tree-dwelling) Old World lizards best known for their ability to change body colour. Other characteristics of chameleons include zygodactylous feet (with toes fused into opposed bundles of two and three), acrodont dentition…
Publications (3)

Lizard Ecology: Historical and Experimental Perspectives (Princeton Legacy Library, 290) (July 2014)
In a collection rich in implications for all fields of ecology, leading lizard ecologists demonstrate the utility of the phylogenetic approach in understanding the evolution of morphology, physiology, behavior, and life histories. Lizards, which are valued for their amenability to field experiments, have been the subject of reciprocal transplant experiments and of manipulations of resource availability, habitat structure, population density, and entire sections of food webs. Such experiments are...

Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles (June 2013)
The fourth edition of the textbook Herpetology covers the basic biology of amphibians and reptiles, with updates in nearly every conceptual area. Not only does it serve as a solid foundation for modern herpetology courses, but it is also relevant to courses in ecology, behavior, evolution, systematics, and morphology. Examples taken from amphibians and reptiles throughout the world make this book a useful herpetology textbook in several countries. Naturalists, amateur herpetologists,...

Lizards: Windows to the Evolution of Diversity (Volume 5) (Organisms and Environments) (May 2006)
From tiny to gigantic, from drab to remarkably beautiful, from harmless to venomous, lizards are spectacular products of natural selection. This book, lavishly illustrated with color photographs, is the first comprehensive reference on lizards around the world. Accessible, scientifically up-to-date, and written with contagious enthusiasm for the subject, Lizards: Windows to the Evolution of Diversity covers species evolution, diversity, ecology, and biology. Eric R. Pianka and Laurie J....