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How do you write the plural of "princess"?
How do you write the plural of princess? –Patricia, United States
The plural of princess
The plural of princess and other nouns that end in –ss is formed by adding –es, as shown in the examples below.
singular: business plural: businesses
singular: dress plural: dresses
singular: success plural: successes
singular: waitress plural: waitresses
Other rules for forming plurals
The plural of nouns that end in –s, -ch, -sh, or -x is formed the same way, by adding –es.
gas gases
match matches
dish dishes
box boxes
The plural of nouns that end in consonant + y is formed by changing the y to i and then adding –es.
agency agencies
The plurals of most other nouns are formed by adding –s.
menu menus
orchestra orchestras
nation nations
lecturer lecturers
tablet tablets
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