How IS your family? or How ARE your family? — Hsin Yi Chen, Taiwan
The correct way to word this question is “How is your family?”
The reason is that while family refers to a group of people, it refers to the group of people as a single unit, or collection. Nouns like this are called collective nouns, and in American English, collective nouns take singular verbs. (In British English, many collective nouns can also take plural verbs.)
Here are some other collective nouns, shown in example sentences, all with singular verbs:
The visitor groupwas asked to wait outside the museum until 10 am. (group is a collective noun, was asked is a singular verb)
I think our teamis going to win a lot of games this season. (team is a collective noun, is going to win is a singular verb)
This year the 5th grade classhas four students from Asia. (class is a collective noun; has is a singular verb)
However, the collective noun police is an exception. It takes a plural verb, as in this example: