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Is there an adjective form of "integrity"?

Is there an adjective form of "integrity"?


Is there an adjective form of integrity, as in, “He is an integrous man”? If so, what is the correct spelling?   - A reader


No, there is no adjective form of integrity. You could use another adjective with a similar meaning, such as honorable, instead. Alternatively, you could use the noun integrity in a sentence like this, “She is a woman of integrity.” "A man/woman of integrity" is a common expression, and others will definitely understand it.

When you are looking for another form of a word that you know, for example, integrity, as a different part of speech, the best way to do this is to look up the word you know in the dictionary and look at the entries nearby. In Merriam-Webster's Learner’s Dictionary Online you can do this quickly by typing in the first few letters of the known word, for example, integ- and looking at the search suggestions that appear in the window.


I hope this helps.

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