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"Same as" and possessives

"Same as" and possessives

Alessio asks a great question about the object that follows the expression same as. When it is a noun or pronoun it is sometimes possessive. This might seem confusing, but both are idiomatic and correct.

Let's look at some examples. Here are some possessive pronouns and nouns used as the object of same as:

I bought the same car as yours. [=I bought the same car that you bought.]

My experience was the same as hers. 

Her last name is the same as her mother's.


Here are examples that use pronouns and nouns that are not possessive as the object of same as


She has the same dark hair and eyes as her father.

Her brother is twenty-one, same as me.

Sandy has the same interests as her boyfriend. 


Note that you need not have a noun or pronoun as the object of same as

The rules were the same as before.










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