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What is the meaning of "slash"?

What is the meaning of "slash"?


Hello, what is the meaning of slash? – Enkel, Albania



The word slash can be either a verb or a noun, and both of these have several possible meanings. 


The two most important meanings of the verb slash are:

1:  to make a long cut in (something) 

      • Someone slashed his car's tires. 

2:  to reduce (something) by a large amount 

      • The company has slashed prices to increase sales.  



The two most important meanings of the noun slash are:

1:  a long, thin cut made with a knife or other sharp object 

      • There was a horrible slash on his arm.

2:  punctuation mark  (/)


On the Internet

On the Internet, the most common use of the noun slash is to refer to the punctuation mark that is used in website addresses, or “URL’s," such as the one below for the entry of the word ambivalent in the Learner's Dictionary. This slash is sometimes called the "forward slash," to distinguish it from the "backward slash" (pointing the other way), which is not used in URL's.



I hope this helps. 



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