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What's the difference between "folks" and "guys"?

What's the difference between "folks" and "guys"?


Is there a distinction in the use of folks or guys, both heard in NYC, when referring to a party of people, say, in a restaurant? If so, does it have something to do with age, deference, or generations? -Rossano Bonsangue, France



Both folks and guys are friendly informal words that are used to address, and sometimes refer to, groups of people. Folks is generally viewed as more respectful and polite and therefore tends to be used by adults talking to adults. For example, someone might ask an elderly couple, "Do you folks need help with your luggage?"

President Obama often uses the word folks in an effort to sound friendly and approachable, as in this quote from a recent speech: 

  • “So folks around here are doing something right, and I think the rest of the country can learn from what you’re doing, because I’ve always believed the best ideas don’t usually start in Washington.”

Guys is even more informal than folks, and it carries a sense of close connection or friendship. It tends to be used by young people speaking to other young people who are friends or acquaintances, or by an adult addressing a group of young people. Below are some authentic examples of guys being used in conversation. As you can see, it is often used in the phrase, “you guys.”

  • "Am I supposed to let you guys know if I change my office hours?" 
  • "I’ll miss you guys too, but I’ll see you all in three weeks." 
  • "I can stay until seven if you guys want me to."
  • "Hey guys, can you help me carry this desk inside?"


Note: Both folks and guys have other meanings. Please look these words up in the Learner’s Dictionary Online to find them. 


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