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1 natural /ˈnætʃərəl/ adjective
1 natural
Britannica Dictionary definition of NATURAL
: existing in nature and not made or caused by people : coming from nature
: not having any extra substances or chemicals added : not containing anything artificial
[more natural; most natural] : usual or expected : normal
see also natural childbirth
always used before a noun used to describe a quality, ability, etc., that a person or animal is born with and does not have to learn
[more natural; most natural]
◊ To be/act/look natural is to be normal and relaxed in the way you behave and look.
always used before a noun
: related by blood
old-fashioned : born to parents who are not married to each other : illegitimate
of a choice, decision, etc. : logical and reasonable
always used before a noun, formal : based on a sense of what is right and wrong

— naturalness

/ˈnætʃərəlnəs/ noun [noncount]
2 natural /ˈnætʃərəl/ noun
plural naturals
2 natural
plural naturals
Britannica Dictionary definition of NATURAL
: someone who is good at doing something from the first time it is done : someone who has a natural ability to do something usually singular
often + at
: someone or something that is suited for a particular job, purpose, etc. usually singular usually + for
: a musical note that is neither sharp nor flat
: a written symbol ♮ that is placed before a musical note to show that it is neither sharp nor flat