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Elizabeth Prine Pauls
Former Encyclopædia Britannica Editor

Elizabeth Prine Pauls was Associate Editor, Anthropology and Languages, at Encyclopædia Britannica. She was State Archaeologist of Iowa from 2002 to 2006. She coedited Plains Earthlodges: Ethnographic and Archaeological Perspectives and has written scholarly and popular articles on indigenous cultures and histories.

Primary Contributions (22)
Diné justices
Native American, member of any of the aboriginal peoples of the Western Hemisphere, although the term often connotes only those groups whose original territories were in present-day Canada and the United States. Pre-Columbian Americans used technology and material culture that included fire and the…
Publications (1)
Plains Earthlodges: Ethnographic and Archaeological Perspectives
Plains Earthlodges: Ethnographic and Archaeological Perspectives (April 2005)
A survey of Native American earthlodge research from across the Great Plains.\nEarly explorers initially believed the earthlodge homes of Plains village peoples were made entirely of earth. Actually, however, earthlodges are timber-frame structures, with the frame covered by successive layers of willows, grass, and earth, and with a tunnel-like entryway and a smoke hole in the center of the roof. The products of nearly a millennium of engineering development, historic period lodges were...