Afghan interlude
Afghan interlude, (1722–30), period in Iranian history that began with the Afghan conquest of Iran and ended with the defeat and death of the Afghan ruler Ashraf.
In 1722 Maḥmūd, an Afghan notable and former vassal of the Ṣafavids, attacked and captured Eṣfahān, the Ṣafavid capital in Iran. The capture of Eṣfahān marked the eclipse of the Ṣafavid dynasty. Maḥmūd proclaimed himself ruler of Iran in 1722, and in 1723 he put to death Shāh Solṭān Ḥoseyn, the former Ṣafavid ruler. Maḥmūd consolidated his gains in southern and southeastern Iran, and in 1725 he was succeeded by his cousin Ashraf. Ashraf attempted to conciliate the Iranians, but he was always regarded as the hated foreign invader.
In the meantime, Peter I the Great of Russia, who had long contemplated establishing a trade route to India via the countries east of the Caspian Sea, invaded the north of Iran in 1722, ostensibly because of losses suffered by some Russian merchants during a tribal uprising there. At this the Ottomans moved into western and northwestern Iran to prevent the Russians from taking over Iranian territory next to Turkey. The confrontation threatened to blow up into war, but a settlement was negotiated in 1724. Russia held much of Iran’s north and the Ottomans the west, with the northwestern regions partitioned between them; this was perhaps the first such imposition of precise boundaries by European powers on an Islāmic state. In the north, Ṭahmāsp II—the representative of the ousted Ṣafavid dynasty—controlled the provinces of Māzandarān and Gīlān. In 1727 Ashraf negotiated a treaty with the Ottomans, accepting their annexation of western Iran; in return the Ottomans recognized Ashraf as ruler of Iran. In 1727 Ṭahmāsp II was joined by Nāder Qolī Khān, a leader of the Afshār tribe. Nāder (later reigned in 1736–47 as Nāder Shāh) set out to expel the Afghans and to reunify the former Ṣafavid domains. A brilliant general, Nāder defeated the Afghans in a series of battles; Ashraf was killed, and Nāder installed Ṭahmāsp II as shah in Eṣfahān (1729). He continued operations against the Afghans until they were finally routed and expelled from Iran in 1730.