Alexander v. Choate
Alexander v. Choate, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on January 9, 1985, ruled unanimously (9–0) that the state of Tennessee’s reduction in the number of annual inpatient hospital days covered by Medicaid (a health-insurance program for low-income persons run jointly by the federal government and the states) did not constitute discrimination against disabled persons, even though disabled persons were more likely to require longer hospital stays.
Alexander v. Choate arose in 1984 when a group of Tennessee Medicaid recipients, some of them disabled, filed a class-action suit in federal district court (on behalf of all Medicaid recipients in the state) alleging that Tennessee’s proposal to reduce from 20 to 14 the number of annual inpatient hospital days covered by Medicaid violated Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which provided that:
No otherwise qualified handicapped individual…shall, solely by reason of his handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Citing a study of the 1979–80 fiscal year, the plaintiffs claimed that disabled Medicaid patients in Tennessee were more likely than nondisabled patients to require more than 14 days of hospital care annually; the study showed that 27.4 percent of disabled patients, but only 7.8 percent of nondisabled patients, required more than 14 days of care. For that reason, they argued, the proposed reduction would create an adverse disparate impact on disabled patients amounting to discrimination under Section 504. The plaintiffs additionally argued that any limitation whatsoever in the number of covered days would constitute disparate-impact discrimination, because disabled patients would be more likely than nondisabled patients to exceed it. After the district court dismissed the complaint, the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed in favour of the plaintiffs. The state then appealed to the Supreme Court, which heard oral arguments on October 1, 1984.

In a unanimous opinion written by Justice Thurgood Marshall, the court held that the reduction did not violate the nondiscrimination requirements of Section 504. First, the court examined the issue of whether intent to discriminate was a necessary predicate to a finding of discrimination under Section 504. Although the court did not resolve this question, Marshall noted that both the legislative history of Section 504 and a comparison with other federal discrimination statutes such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 suggested that Section 504 was indeed designed to protect against disparate-impact discrimination. The court thus assumed that the law recognized such injuries and turned its attention to whether Tennessee’s actions in this instance were “the sort of disparate impact that federal law might recognize.”
Citing Southeastern Community College v. Davis (1979), “our major previous attempt to define the scope of [Section] 504,” the court acknowledged that, to avoid disparate-impact discrimination, a federal grantee must make “reasonable accommodations” in its program or benefit to “otherwise qualified handicapped individuals” in order to assure them “meaningful access to the benefit that the grantee offers.” However, in the court’s view the 14-day hospital stay that Tennessee allowed under its Medicaid program did provide meaningful access, even though persons with disabilities may be more likely than those without disabilities to require longer stays. In addition, the court held that Section 504 did not require Tennessee to forgo any limitation on hospital stays, because the enormous cost of implementing an alternative Medicaid program that did not incorporate such limits would clearly exceed the “reasonable accommodations” to which disabled persons are entitled under Davis. “As a result,” the court concluded, “Tennessee need not redefine its Medicaid program to eliminate durational limitations on inpatient coverage, even if in doing so the State could achieve its immediate fiscal objectives in a way less harmful to the handicapped.”