Baltic War of Liberation
- Date:
- November 1918 - August 1920
- Location:
- Baltic states
- Participants:
- Estonia
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Red Army
- Soviet Union
Baltic War of Liberation, (1918–20), military conflict in which Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania fended off attacks from both Soviet Russia and Germany. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania had been part of the Russian Empire since the end of the 18th century, but after the Russian Revolution of 1917 they became independent states. After World War I ended, however, Soviet Russia, hoping to advance through the Baltic states in order to bring about a Socialist revolution in Germany, attacked in November 1918 and conquered three-quarters of Estonia’s territory by the end of the year. In January the Red Army seized the capitals of Latvia and Lithuania, advanced to the Venta River in Latvia, and occupied northern and eastern Lithuania. The Estonians, who obtained weapons from the Allies and received naval support from the British and volunteers from Finland, were able to stop the Bolshevik advance, launch a counteroffensive (Jan. 3, 1919), and evict the Red Army from their land.
The Latvians and Lithuanians, however, were forced to rely upon the Germans, who wished not only to drive the Bolsheviks out of the Baltic states but also to establish their own hegemony in the area; they therefore prevented the Latvian and Lithuanian governments from organizing regular armies. They did help Lithuanian volunteers halt the Soviet advance in February 1919 and subsequently provided some military assistance as the Lithuanians slowly pushed the Red Army back. In addition, the Poles, who were at war with Soviet Russia, entered Lithuania (March 1919) and seized Vilnius from the Bolsheviks (April).
The commander of the German troops in Latvia, Gen. Rüdiger, Graf von der Goltz, sought to transform Latvia into a base for a new anti-Communist German–Russian force and to form Baltic regimes loyal to imperial Germany and pre-revolutionary Russia. Although his troops took Riga from the Red Army on May 22, 1919, they were stopped by the Estonian army and some 2,000 Latvian troops. The Germans were then compelled to abandon Riga, and the autonomous Latvian government was restored. Still hoping to dominate the Baltic region, General von der Goltz, who had retreated into Courland, joined forces in July with the anti-Communist West Russian army of Col. Pavel Bermondt-Avalov and participated in his attacks on Riga and on northwestern Lithuania. Bermondt’s campaign, however, was unsuccessful, and by December 15 all German troops had finally abandoned Latvia and Lithuania.

While the Baltic forces subdued the Germans, the Bolshevik threat persisted. In August 1919 the Lithuanians expelled the Soviet army from northwestern Lithuania, and in November–December the Estonians repulsed a fresh invasion of the Red Army pursuing an anti-Bolshevik Russian force into Estonia. After the Latvians, aided by the Poles, drove the Bolsheviks from southeastern Latvia, the Soviets signed the treaties of Tartu (February 1920), Moscow (July 1920), and Riga (August 1920), thereby recognizing the independence of the Baltic states.