Battle of Tora Bora
- Date:
- December 3, 2001 - December 17, 2001
- Location:
- Afghanistan
- Participants:
- United States
- al-Qaeda
- Taliban
- Context:
- Afghanistan War
Battle of Tora Bora, (December 3–17, 2001), a U.S.-led coalition attack on the cave complex of the White Mountains at Tora Bora, Afghanistan, on the country’s eastern border with Pakistan. One of the most important military engagements of the first phase of the Afghanistan War, it was believed that al-Qaeda-leader Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the September 11 attacks, was hiding out in the caves. Bin Laden escaped during the assault. Allied forces suffered no deaths in the battle; some 220 of bin Laden’s defenders are believed to have been killed and another 52 were captured.
In October 2001, a U.S.-led coalition launched a military intervention in Afghanistan, backing the Afghan Northern Alliance against the Taliban government and its al-Qaeda allies. The invasion was an operation in the “war on terror,” following the September 11 attacks on the United States, for which the Americans believed al-Qaeda was responsible. Al-Qaeda was known to operate from bases in Afghanistan and had close links with the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban, who refused to surrender bin Laden.
After the U.S.-led intervention, Taliban resistance quickly crumbled. After first taking shelter in the city of Jalalabad, Bin Laden led several hundred of his followers to a network of fortified caves in the mountains of the Tora Bora region, where he was determined to make a stand. The Americans were equally determined to hunt him down and launched massive B-52 air strikes on the area as Northern Alliance militiamen and special forces from the United States, Canada, Britain, and Germany were assembled for an assault.

Al-Qaeda fighters, armed with rocket launchers and mortars, were in easily defensible terrain that Bin Laden knew well, having built a road through the mountains during the mujahadeen campaigns against Soviet forces in the 1980s. Those al-Qaeda fighters were expected to fight to the finish. CIA and Special Forces operatives were landed in the area of the caves on December 3, and Northern Alliance forces gained control of the area at the base of the mountains on December 5. Fierce engagements and intense round-the-clock bombing ensued over the next week or so, with at least 700,000 pounds of ordinance dropped on targeted positions between December 4 and 7. The area and the caves were finally secured on December 12 and 13, but bin Laden had escaped. Although reportedly reluctant to flee, he was apparently persuaded to do so by his followers and found sanctuary in Pakistan’s tribal territories on the border. The U.S.-led coalition had failed to deploy sufficient troops in time to close all escape routes, and indeed war planners have estimated that it would have taken at least 9,000 soldiers to bottle up the 150-odd possible paths out of the mountains at a time when only some 1,300 U.S. military personnel were in the country.
The Battle of Tora Bora formally ended on December 17. The following March, a coordinated U.S. assault on the Shahikot Valley, dubbed Operation Anaconda, cleared the area of some remnants of the al Qaeda forces that had remained in Afghanistan. Bin Laden was finally discovered and killed during an attack on his compound in Pakistan on May 2, 2011.